This is why I'm interested in one, there doesn't seem to be many reviews out there. Of course this vendor doesn't sell them anymore and won't clarify when asked about them versus the T75. Just says the 75 is better. I'd like to see a UTC-X / T75 / CNVD-T3 side by side shoot out comparison.
"When you actually use and train with one (?) can call it what you like. If you have truly used and trained with a T3 you would not make a statement like you did... They're are MANY who use the T3 and call it the best long range unit out there period for it's purposes with the new T-75 a close 2nd. Not many devices can get 10-12x with their day scope and thermal without much pixelation, not much at all. Our Military folks also call this a GREAT system for what it does and closest to a cooled array system, it's the best out there.
Not sure, but you do not even sell these two longest range thermal devices. We actually, test, own and train with every piece of high end NV we offer. That includes the T3 and T75 I just mentioned.
To the OP, feel free to contact us, we can educate you what really works for your long range requirements. We really use and train with all our gear. "