What cold is, is relative to what you're used to, conditioned to, and your health. I spend quite a bit of time outdoors, and down to 20-deg I'm ok without gloves unless the wind is blowing, or I'm coming into contact with snow or handling cold objects. Many Climbers, Alpinist, and Mountaineer's practice for big Winter accents without, or underrated gloves so to condition themselves for more severe conditions. I have a high metabolism, and keep my house between 62 and 65-deg. If it gets over 68-deg in the winter, I feel like I'm burning up. Unless I'm going to be stationary for a long period of time outside, I never wear insulated clothing. When Snowmobiling, I just wear a single synthetic (polyolifin) shirt, and a heavy nylon shell. As long as I'm active, I'm good to almost zero degrees.
If I do wear gloves while shooting, I use the Nomex Flight Gloves.