Advanced Marksmanship Collective of Accuracy Reducers

Reverie Ranges

11B3HB4 1997-2007
Full Member
Dec 16, 2019
Vancouver, WA
I'm trying to collect all the Accuracy Reducers for further class information. Is there anything that I am missing?

Shooter / Fundamentals Errors
Body Position
Head Position / Cheek Weld
Non-Moving Solid Platform
Sight Alignment
Wrong Trigger Pull / Trigger Weight / Crisp Break / Finger Placement
Breathing Control / Natural Point of Aim
Muscle Relaxation
Anticipation of Recoil / Flinching / Avoiding Recoil / Poor Follow Through
Weapon Cant
Wrong DOPE
Firing Angle / Slope DOPE
Inconsistent Shoulder Pressure
Heart Rate
Inconsistent Rifle Grip

Environmental Considerations
Wind Speed / Direction
Ground Temperature / Thermals
Barometric Pressure
Air Density
Coriolis Effect
Light Conditions (direction and intensity)

Ballistic Coefficient
Consistency of Build
Quality of Materials
Round Deflection
Spin Drift

Quality of Materials
Barrel Erosion / Corrosion
Length of Barrel
Barrel Harmonics / Whip
Free Float
Cold Bore
Muzzle Burrs / Damage
Loose Bedding / Vibration
Chamber Temperature / Barrel Temperature
Twist Rate wrong for Ammunition Weight
Improper Head Space
Loose Barrel / Receiver

Scope Quality / Broken
Scope Alignment / Cant
Improper Sight Alignment / Cheek Weld
Parallax / Focus / Mirrage
Mount Loose
Rings Loose
Shift in Zero

Target Speed / Direction

External Physical Barriers
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This probably fits under loose barrel / receiver but action screw torque can be an accuracy reducer, especially on non-chassis stocks. I have a Remington 700 that is only happy at a certain torque value.

Otherwise - I have read this a couple of times and each time I think of something, it is already there.
OP, dont take this question wrong. For what reason are you trying to list what you term" accuracy reducers" ? Its stated as "class information" are you going to take a class?
Thanks, It shout probably look more like this:

Shooter / Fundamentals Errors
Body Position
Head Position / Cheek Weld
Non-Moving Solid Platform
Sight Alignment
Wrong Trigger Pull / Trigger Weight / Crisp Break / Finger Placement
Breathing Control / Natural Point of Aim
Muscle Relaxation
Anticipation of Recoil / Flinching / Avoiding Recoil / Poor Follow Through
Weapon Cant
Wrong DOPE
Firing Angle / Slope DOPE
Inconsistent Shoulder Pressure
Heart Rate
Inconsistent Rifle Grip

Environmental Considerations
Wind Speed / Direction
Ground Temperature / Thermals
Barometric Pressure
Air Density
Coriolis Effect
Light Conditions (direction and intensity)

Ballistic Coefficient
Consistency of Build
Quality of Materials
Round Deflection
Spin Drift

Quality of Materials
Barrel Erosion / Corrosion
Length of Barrel
Barrel Harmonics / Whip
Free Float
Cold Bore
Muzzle Burrs / Damage
Loose Bedding / Vibration
Chamber Temperature / Barrel Temperature
Twist Rate wrong for Ammunition Weight
Improper Head Space
Loose Barrel / Receiver

Scope Quality / Broken
Scope Alignment / Cant
Improper Sight Alignment / Cheek Weld
Parallax / Focus / Mirrage
Mount Loose
Rings Loose
Shift in Zero

Target Speed / Direction

External Physical Barriers
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Zeroing turret, screws loose or improperly torqued, turret cap not fully seated before toque, ring screws over torqued, wrong moa base for practical ranges being shot, base holes or pic slots not parallel/ perpendicular to bore. Objective not focused for reticle clarity, focused with or without glasses then shoots with opposite, mark scope and objective focus to make sure neither is shifting ie scope in rings or obj focus when cranking power. Wrong power for SFP distance estimation, turret full turn off, different ammo than doped, white knuckled chokin the chicken stock grip, jamming front or rear of mag into X causing feeding issues, resting mag bottom on object then cant chamber because bottom metal mag catch is off or mags have not been tweaked by sanding or bending lips, dirty trigger, bipod not tightened down, not stout enough for gun weight, length of pull too short/long, Letting gun / ammo heat up too much, right gun wrong ammo, dirty firing pin spring causing light strikes, muzzle threads not concentric to bore for suppressor or brake, reloaded ammo head space is off, or not crimped for semi auto causing bullet seating depth to be erratic and my favorite don't shoot with or next to "that guy" becuase they shouldn't be allowed to own a gun let alone shoot one.
Wow, that was a lot to go through quickly. You have some really good points and I've made corrections. Thanks

Zero turret loose = Wrong DOPE

Screws loose = Corrected Scope Category Rings Loose clarified to Ring Screws Loose / Over-torqued

Turret Cap, Wrong MOA Base (anything with wrong zero) = Wrong DOPE

Base Hole Alignment can be zeroed through windage zero unless the armorer was a complete tool = Clarified to read Weapon Quality of Materials / Build

Objective = Parallax / Focus

Shift in zero when cranking power = Scope Quality / Broken

Milled on Wrong Power = Wrong DOPE

Turret off = Wrong DOPE

Different Ammo than DOPEd = Wrong DOPE

White Knuckled = Inconsistent Rifle Grip

Failure to feed ammo is a Rifle Malfunction, not accuracy reducer

Resting mag = Stable Platform

Cant chamber = Rifle Cant

Dirty Trigger = Crisp Break

Bipod Loose = Stable Platform

Not Stout Enough for Gun = Poor Follow Through

Length of Pull = Added Wrong Length of Pull

Gun Hot = Chamber Temperature / Barrel Temperature

Ammo Hot = Added Ammo Temperature

Right Gun Wrong Ammo = Twist Rate wrong for Ammunition Weight

Dirty Firing Spring = Crisp Trigger

Muzzle Thread Alignment = External Physical Barrier (suppressor strike)

Ammo Headspace = Quality of Materials / Build

“That Guy Nearby” = Added External Distractors

DOPE is kind of encompassing for “bad data to target”, even first round down range and shooter error to get estimated DOPE.


  • Accuracy Reducers.pdf
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OP, dont take this question wrong. For what reason are you trying to list what you term" accuracy reducers" ? Its stated as "class information" are you going to take a class?

I"m with 1moaoff. I know my list was shorthand, but you're playing my favorite game of jump to conclusions. Good luck.
Thanks all... I do appreciate any input to make corrections on this project. Not all of these are as important as some of the few, but in the realm of always learning in the Advanced Marksmanship / Sniping craft, a complete collective should be established.
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Precipitation is irrelevant
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It won't deflect a round, not sure what you were seeing, wind gusts or terrain issues perhaps.

It's pretty well established the shockwave in front of a supersonic round will either vaporize or "push" moisture out of the way. It never touches the round though.

You're describing something that a lot of folks would argue is completely impossible.
Over 10,000 spotting behind the "God Scopes" at our schoolhouse. Never have I seen a day like that day; buckets of water coming down. Never saw a day like that again either. There is a likelihood in minor rain that I will vaporize, but shooting strait into a pool of water will inevitably have stoppage. 300WM with 210 SMK have better umph than a 308 175 SMK on the way to 800m. There could have been wind, but everything was coming strait down from the sky; no other explanation could be described. I couldn't say it is completely impossible, just very wonderous that day...
Talking with other SMEs, precipitation would fall under External Physical Barriers. Once the round looses the cone in front of the round, it becomes subject to the ability to have water deflect from its path. I would love to see Mythbusters just do a complete season of shooting if they were still around. Thanks for the input - Precipitation stricken from the list as it falls into another category.
Anyone seen this?

Guess you have to draw your own conclusions. I never experienced it myself.

Just read through it, seems like full of flaws. For starters it's simulated rain instead of actual rain.

Is this rain device under pressure? Is water falling out at gravity's speed coupled with terminal velocity or is it being forced out faster?

If the hypothesis is this occurs downrange rather than at the muzzle, why are we testing at the muzzle?

Muzzle brake and suppressors and such have been known to induce some yaw but it can also self correct if I remember correctly. That's the "bullet settling down" in flight we hear about.

He's extrapolating results from 50yds out to hundreds and it's probably not a linear effect.

What if the collision is farther down range? What if it hits several. Cameras on different yard lines set for trajectory of the flight path during actual rain would be a more valid test.

They're basing the entire reason for testing based on one shooters anecdotal story.

They also set the test up to force the collision. What's the likelihood of a natural collision?

I'll definitely mess around this summer on a rainy day for my own edification.
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Shooter Error:
Dehydration - Eye Fatigue/Strain
Caffeinated - Eye twitch/Strain

I know you covered fatigue in your list, but I think it would be important to specifically list fatigue’s contributing factors. I’m sure you plan to, just wanted to throw it out there.

Higher levels of caffeine in energy drinks is an issue to consider as more shooters can be seen at the range or rolling up to the range knocking one back. Obviously the increased amount can also lead to dehydration, which just stacks on the problems.

-loose scope base

You have receiver listed and for scope you have mount, but I prefer to keep my base listed as an individual consideration on my checklist. Specifically listing scope base may also help hammer home that often overlooked consideration.

Keep it up man. Going through this kind of stuff is the only way to make sure we don’t start to forget it.
I hope to believe that I'm collecting "root of the problem" issues that cause accuracy to be reduced. There are many things that might included under the "Fatigue" category, like excessive lap dances at the ta ta bar downtown less than 6 hours before shooting, but just getting to the grit of "what causes" is my goal. That is the reason I'm requesting All the Subject Matter Experts on the site to debate the relevance of each category.

-loose scope base
It is in there under Scope... I guess that the base could be more rifle than scope... Good call, we'll move it.
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I hope to believe that I'm collecting "root of the problem" issues that cause accuracy to be reduced. There are many things that might included under the "Fatigue" category, like excessive lap dances at the ta ta bar downtown less than 6 hours before shooting, but just getting to the grit of "what causes" is my goal. That is the reason I'm requesting All the Subject Matter Experts on the site to debate the relevance of each category.

-loose scope base
It is in there under Scope... I guess that the base could be more rifle than scope... Good call, we'll move it.
Lap dances after midnight have to be part of your lesson plan man lol.

I like the concept of just the root idea talking point, but most people think sleep to fatigue, rather than alcohol, food/nutrition, Mindset (you have anxiety but you can even go generic with psychological), medications, Fitness level, caffeine, tobacco, and hydration levels. I think those concerns should be focused on in a separate category, like Shooter Status, as they are all factors that are manipulated/created prior to even getting dressed on game day. So maybe add another category at the top to put these in?