Coming For Your Cans/Solvent Traps

Well, bob good seems like a good dude. Menendez sounds like a guy that murdered his parents... clearly he gets his idea of supressors from the movies. What a moron.
I like the John Wick movies overall, but this scene had me crying with laughter at how fake and retarded it is, while at the same time being white hot angry knowing that it will feed more of the cock sucking politicians idea that only assassins use suppressors.
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Geezus Krist!

3 of these going now. As in "3" Threads, same damn thing. I get it, a little, when the Noobs are being Noobs and not internetting properly. :( But if you've been on here, even from time to time, since 2013? WTF?

The casual response of what this does to the front pages is telling. What an idiot.