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Common manual of arms in carry pistol (safety/mag release/etc)


Two Star General
Full Member
Nov 28, 2018
So, this post comes about due to the new HK CC9. This appears to be the first pistol HK has released WITHOUT the paddle mag release (note they do have an almost equivalent in Europe with paddles that should come out over there for MIL/LE).. I for one, love the paddle release as I've trained with an HK for 20 year...it's instinctive for me. Yes, I have a button somewhere in the safe; but not full-sized, and not my "go-to."

Seems to be a lot of debate on another forum, almost critical of folks not wanting to let go of the paddles and adopt the button. My thought on this is that having a common platform be it micro/compact/full sized is an advantage. When the shit starts happening, do these people with paddles one day and buttons the next (seems to be a fanboy thing to carry different daily) remember that platform's manual of arms for that day....specifically if shit hits the fan? Perhaps I'm just stupid and have Joe Biden's memory; but seems commonality in this area would be prudent, unless of course you don't plan on reloading under stress.

I almost equate this with guns that have a safety (USP/1911/Beretta) vs ones that do not (Glock, VP9). If somebody has trained years and years without a safety and then gets into guns with a safety as a carry weapon and don't train really well, are they going to, in the heat of the moment, flick that safety off or is adrenalin going to kick in and they fall back to the scenario they've had the most training?

Definitely interested in The Hide's take on this.

Thanks in advance.
So, this post comes about due to the new HK CC9. This appears to be the first pistol HK has released WITHOUT the paddle mag release (note they do have an almost equivalent in Europe with paddles that should come out over there for MIL/LE).. I for one, love the paddle release as I've trained with an HK for 20 year...it's instinctive for me. Yes, I have a button somewhere in the safe; but not full-sized, and not my "go-to."

Seems to be a lot of debate on another forum, almost critical of folks not wanting to let go of the paddles and adopt the button. My thought on this is that having a common platform be it micro/compact/full sized is an advantage. When the shit starts happening, do these people with paddles one day and buttons the next (seems to be a fanboy thing to carry different daily) remember that platform's manual of arms for that day....specifically if shit hits the fan? Perhaps I'm just stupid and have Joe Biden's memory; but seems commonality in this area would be prudent, unless of course you don't plan on reloading under stress.

I almost equate this with guns that have a safety (USP/1911/Beretta) vs ones that do not (Glock, VP9). If somebody has trained years and years without a safety and then gets into guns with a safety as a carry weapon and don't train really well, are they going to, in the heat of the moment, flick that safety off or is adrenalin going to kick in and they fall back to the scenario they've had the most training?

Definitely interested in The Hide's take on this.

Thanks in advance.
Carry rotations are stupid. Even if all you carry are striker-fired pistols, the grips are going to be different enough to cause draw and index inconsistency with at least some of them. Add different manual of arms depending on what you choose to carry that day and it quickly becomes a shitshow because invariably people who are into carry rotations hardly ever train enough to master every pistol in their collection.

I've pretty much settled on two pistols: CZ P-10F for competition and P-10C for self defense, both with Trijicon reflex optics.
Carry rotations are stupid. Even if all you carry are striker-fired pistols, the grips are going to be different enough to cause draw and index inconsistency with at least some of them. Add different manual of arms depending on what you choose to carry that day and it quickly becomes a shitshow because invariably people who are into carry rotations hardly ever train enough to master every pistol in their collection.

I've pretty much settled on two pistols: CZ P-10F for competition and P-10C for self defense, both with Trijicon reflex optics.
Absolutely 👍 I went through the process of rotating 1911’s and HK P7’s, then transitioned to Glocks for the simplicity of manual of arms and haven’t looked back…
Absolutely 👍 I went through the process of rotating 1911’s and HK P7’s, then transitioned to Glocks for the simplicity of manual of arms and haven’t looked back…
I often look back and say...well, maybe putting myself in the paddle release camp wasn't the smartest idea; but for me it's a much more natural movement. Not to mention, to get that comfortable with a different manual of arms would require time and money (fuel) that don't seem to be as abundant as in years past (especially time). I think for a pistol, in particular, the manual of arms is a bit more specific than which AR one is behind today or which bolt gun; not that the manual of arms isn't important there too; but for me, proficiency in pistol shooting is the absolute most perishible of them all and the one that is most likey to save my life if the worst case happens.