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Concern for lead exposure

Re: Concern for lead exposure

I think you need to decide while young whether you plan to live as a hypochondriac. If you want to shoot for fun or more seriously then lead exposure is almost guaranteed, people have lived for centuries before some dipshit with a gotee and a diploma decided what will make us sick. If you are truly concerned then carry some wet wipes and clean up often and get along with your day. By the way, this is the same speech I give the high school rifle team shooters that I coach at the beginning of each season, so don't go getting butt hurt. Jeff
Re: Concern for lead exposure

So, just don't take a bide out of the round and I'll be fine. Also, I'm really envious of your persistant. Despite our town being about 60% red necks, we don't have a rifle team. I guess the liberal principle is too worried about something bad happening with the "big, bad, evil" guns.
Re: Concern for lead exposure

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Frapiscide</div><div class="ubbcode-body">While I'm probably overly concerned about this, am I at risk to ingesting lead by handling 22lr rounds and not washing my hands?
Being 17, I don't want to get brain damage. </div></div>

Being 17 years old you already have brain damage, it doesn't completely heal until you are at least 25 years old have a job and pay your own bills, or you join the Marine Corp. and let them fix it for you.

Just kidding. Don't worry about lead until next summer when you are training to be a Marine.
Re: Concern for lead exposure

Damn! That's what's wrong - lead poisoning - after all these years - and I thought it was agent orange . . .


Been handling .22RF, molten lead, and cast bullets for longer than I care to remember.

I keep a small bottle of GoJo industrial hand cleaner in my range bag. Wash your hands before eating that "pink slime burger", and don't let you kid, cat, or dog lick your hands 'til you wash.

Re: Concern for lead exposure

I have handled lead since I was a 10yr old kid. Used to help my daddy pour lead joints in cast iron pipe. Have cast bullets, and reloaded for better than 30 years now.
About 16 years ago was in a room with a couple hundred eager applicants hoping to get a job with a large mining company. All were given a very lengthy test to determine IQ, reading comprehension, mechanical apptitude and everything in between. Finished my test early and ignored (conveniently forgot) proctor telling everyone to stay in their seat till everyone was finished. Turned in my test while everyone else was still pondering the question:"if Atlantic is 80 what is Pacific?" I was on my way to the car when I was run down by one of the proctors wanting to give me an interview on the spot. Everything looked good and I was offered a nice salary. The guy asked me if I used tobacco and I answered in the affirmative. He told me there was no tobacco use of any kind allowed on any company owned land. I thanked him for his time and told him I was no longer interested. Obviously lead exposure had caused retardation despite my test scores to the contrary. I walked away as he stared slack jawed at my departure.

I have serious doubts about even moderate lead exposure causing any harm whatsoever. I think it has been proven time and again over the years that tests can and are skewed to lead to forgone conclusions that support certain agendas.
Re: Concern for lead exposure

The big stink about lead poisening, is driven by dirty commies who are very dillegently disarming the masses.
Not only is the plan to out law firearms, but to outlaw thinking.

Who are these dirty commies? They are us. Having been brainwashed from early childhood by movies, television and schoolteachers. We have become a self perpetualating engine of self destruction.

News at 6.
Re: Concern for lead exposure

Keep your hands/fingers away froom your mouth and eyes after shooting until you can wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Avoid raising dust when sweeping up forward of the line at an indoor range so you don't inhale large quantities of the dust. Actually, these ideas are good ones whether or not lead is involved.

Follow these guidelines and your lead levels should remain in the acceptable range. Everybody gets some lead over their lifetimes, and it takes an unusually large exposure to cause significant problems.

Some lead ingestion is inevitible and tolerable, but the bigger issue is lead vapor from bullet casting. Most who do will wisely choose to be checked for lead exposure periodically. Of the folks I know, only one was ever found to have a significantly high level, and after abstaining from casting lead for a year or so, their level dropped back to normal.

I don't cast bullets, and that's why. I already have enough Agent Orange and other junk in my system that I don't need to tempt fate with yet another issue.

Re: Concern for lead exposure

This is one of my pet peeves.
Isn't it amazing that there are people older than 45 still alive?
What with peanut allergies killing our kids left and right (my kids school does not allow peanut butter sandwiches), all of my friends who had lead painted toys (gee, I don't know anyone with brain damage attributed to lead, bisphenol in plastic, etc).
And the one that really ticks me. I'm in Canada. When I was growing up every community league park had a wading pool. Those are now verboten...across Canada, because some dimwit in Toronto figured that there was the off chance that some child could catch something from contaminated water.
Ohhhh....don't get me going!!!
Re: Concern for lead exposure

^ yeah by todays "standards", i've been dead several times over

....wait a second....

nope still alive i see my breath on the mirror; or is this somekind of after life role playing?

back to the lead, i'm sure that there is some sort of absorbtion, even by just handling the ammo. probably moreso inhaling lead dust after firing. probably moreso injesting worse chemicals in tap water or eating a big mac.

at 17 i wouldn't worry about brain damage as it think that lead causes it during conception / development of the fetus. plus in today's world you don't need a brain to be successful.

i'd worry more about sterility b4 brain damage.**

**don't damage your "brain" while testing your "sterility", it's a good way of losing your vision.
Re: Concern for lead exposure

Had to go to a Lead Remediation Class in NYC--instructor almost crapped his pants when I said Hell, we used to light our cigarettes off our soldering irons back in the Army Radar Repair Shops. Now you have to file a Hot Work Permit to solder anything, with a fire extinguisher and exhaust fan in the area. BSSSSSSSS! And no smoking on a construction site?? Bite me!
Re: Concern for lead exposure

Speaking as a Doc with a background in toxicology, just wash your hands. Really. That's it.

If you're casting, wear gloves. If you're loading lots and lots of mags, wear some gloves (not because it will do anything, just... because). Wash your hands after shooting. The dose makes the poison.

There are plenty of Suzanne-Summers nutcases out there who will tell you that everything is poisonous, and they are right; it's just dose dependent. If I ingest several metric fuck-tons of aluminum metal via eating underarm deodorant, then yes, I might see signs of aluminum toxicity. Same for handling .22 shells; If I choose to grate up the exposed lead and brush my teeth with it, yes, I might have a problem in a reasonably short period of time.

As long as you wash your hands after shooting and wear an N-95 if you happen to be around a lot of lead dust, you have nothing to fear.
Re: Concern for lead exposure

Lets review;
Don't be a hypochondriac
Don't lick your hands clean
Don't bite on live rounds
Use Go-jo
Wear gloves if you are casting bullets
Don't put your hands and fingers in your mouth
Your 17, you don't need a brain to be successful
Don't ingest several metric fuck-tons of aluminum metal via eating underarm deodorant.
Don't grate up exposed lead and brush your teeth with it
Wash your hands after you shoot

Pretty solid advice here Frapiscide...pretty solid advice.
Re: Concern for lead exposure

Wash hands, forearms, and face. Lead dust collects around lips so wash before eating. If there are small kids at home, remove clothes and put in wash separately. Children's developing nervous system is more sensitive to lower levels of exposure. I wonder how many people that belittle the toxicity exposure - have ever checked their own blood lead levels. I have a patient who is a range worker, and is symptomatic from toxicity. Joking about it may make one feel macho, but the OP is asking a serious question.
Have fun shooting, but just take the proper precautions seriously.
Re: Concern for lead exposure

Keep your hands off your face and wash up before you eat. You will inhale more lead than you will absorb through your skin.

If you spend any amount of time in the shooting sports, having your lead levels checked regularly is probably a good idea.

When my younger ones are shooting, I make sure I watch that they aren't sticking their hands in their face after handling ammo.

Re: Concern for lead exposure

I had lead poisoning and it is no joke, my lead level was 34 PPM and OSHA has a max of 5 PPM. I had to completely stop shooting lead bullets of any calibers, stop shooting at indoor ranges that allowed lead bullet shooting and stop being around anybody that shoots lead bullets, sorting brass is done with gloves and masks etc...
symptoms were,
constant hearburn
peeing every 30 minutes
constant bad breath
hearing loss
joint aches
long distance blurred vision
absolutely no short term memory
borderline anemia
it took 6 years to bring my levels down to 9PPM
most symptoms have disappeared except for
joint aches
hearing loss
not so great memory

be very carefull with lead poisoning.
Re: Concern for lead exposure

attherange...can you give us some idea of what caused your lead poisoning.
My thinking is that you were being exposed to extremely high levels either in your job...or you must have been shooting a heck of a lot.
Your post, without some idea of how your poisoning came about could create fear mongering where it is not warranted.
For most people, taking the precautions stated in this thread (hand washing, not touching food or their faces, etc) is more than sufficient to avoid extreme lead levels.
Re: Concern for lead exposure

i was shooting 1000 rd a week of lead bullets in an indoor range. I was selling them at gunshows and reloading for myself also. After a few years i ended up working at that range and that included cleaning the range everyday, and sorting the brass left by shooters there.
washing hands just wasn't enough for me.
Re: Concern for lead exposure

I grew up in a small country where almost all the rural folks collected rainwater for use in their houses and to drink. Nothing tastes better. The groundwater sucked.

With very few exceptions, the houses were roofed with galvanized corrugated roofing steel held down with nails that had uncoated lead heads about the size of the last joint of my trigger finger.
If the roofs were painted, it was with lead based paints (a whole nother load of bullshit I won't get into here) which flaked off pretty quickly and went in the tank.

We drank it, cooked with it, brushed our teeth with it and bathed in it.

No one I knew ever got lead poisoning.

My grandmother was 95 when she died, and it wasn't the water, it was the socialized medecine.....
Re: Concern for lead exposure

A simple way to look for this is to go to Pubmed.gov and search the articles. I used "lead levels in firearms" and got a lot of results. There have been lots and lots of studies. Among folks who shoot every day in indoor ranges, with high-volumes of lead dust, occupationally, for years, yes, you will have significant elevations in blood lead levels.
For recreational shooters, who go out on an armed hike and might eat a sandwich in between taking shots, you'll be fine.
You'll also find that range employees and firearms workers are supposed to have levels regularly checked (every 6mo. or so). I personally have mine drawn at my yearly physical, and view it in the same vein as cholesterol.
Re: Concern for lead exposure

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Frapiscide</div><div class="ubbcode-body">While I'm probably overly concerned about this, am I at risk to ingesting lead by handling 22lr rounds and not washing my hands?
Being 17, I don't want to get brain damage. </div></div>

lead ,manganese,nickel,copper,gallium.They are all potentials

Just git you a chelation kit and dont worry about it..
Re: Concern for lead exposure

Anyone a fisherman....when i was younger i recall using alot of split shot..on my lines, remember just biting then to crimp them on the lines.
Although iv read the small dust particles are what ya prob want to avoid
Re: Concern for lead exposure

I think attherange is an example of someone with an abnormally high exposure to lead. For the rest of us the risk is pretty minimal especially if we wash our hands and don't stick our hands in our mouth.