Confused about scope adjustments after first F-Class Match


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
May 7, 2018
Shot my first F-Class match recently, and I'm actually somewhat confused about something. First off, I pretty much always use hold overs in, very rarely dialing. I guess pressure got ahold of me, and I forgot to zoom in my scope, and started shooting the match at 5x... There was an older gentleman helping me who tried to give me pointers. He noticed I hadn't turned up the magnification on my scope, and in a short conversation with him, I also told him I was using the holdovers in my reticle. I knew my adjustment was 3.4 Mils, and he suggested I make the adjustment on my scope, so I adjusted it 3.4 Mils down. My shots were no where to be seen, and he told me I turned them the wrong way and needed to adjust 3.4 Mils up from zero. So I did, and my hits were on target.

Why did I have to adjust up instead of down? Seems backwards to me. The bullet is dropping, it seems the reticle would need to move down, not up. What am I missing?

Below of a picture of the elevation knob on my scope...

^^ what he said. Dont worry about the hold over or under. Its all referring to poi. Hitting low , dial up . hitting high, dial down, hitting right, dial left. Hitting left, dial right