Congress Needs a raise.

I have noticed a bunch of people lately claiming that giving members of Congress a raise will stop them from trying to make money through their positions.I know Nit Wit Mitt said it and maybe??Rand Paul too??Its been floated around the networks and net alot lately.
I'd prefer that every last one of them would walk off the job (permanently) due to their disgust with their so called "lack of pay".

We don't need any more laws.Particularly not from them.
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Porky Lil Rascals.gif
IF they would:
  • initiate term limits
  • balance the budget and take meaningful action to reduce the debt
  • eliminate redundancy
  • greatly reduce or eliminate regulations
  • eliminate administrative rule
  • restructure taxes to either a sales tax on first time sales ONLY of any item or a flat tax with no deductions
  • create serious back to work restrictions for welfare
  • secure the borders, deport all illegals
  • pay out SS as if that money were actually invested
  • close the vast majority of foreign bases, bringing home the gear and use these service members in meaningful ways (at the borders?)
  • create and mandate voter ID
  • cease all foreign aide except for the rare and occasional natural disaster but even then only with a set limit least I would entertain negotiations.
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I have noticed a bunch of people lately claiming that giving members of Congress a raise will stop them from trying to make money through their positions.I know Nit Wit Mitt said it and maybe??Rand Paul too??Its been floated around the networks and net alot lately.
That doesn't sound like something rand Paul would say.... I have no idea so you may be right it just doesn't sound like rand Paul. He's one of the very few up there that is somewhat honest and not completely bought and paid for,....I think ...