Consensus on shooters cut plates?

I'm not sure. When I was a police officer I was told I got a shooters cut but have nothing to compare it to. Wearing a vest sucks, but it is what it is.

Try asking in the LE section. I'm sure some of them have tried a few.
The standard cut is fine for me. The shooter or swimmers cut gives you a bit more mobility. But for the price of less protection.

How much/fast do you need to move?
The standard cut is fine for me. The shooter or swimmers cut gives you a bit more mobility. But for the price of less protection.

How much/fast do you need to move?

Mobility is a bigger concern for me but these aren’t lighter plates like one would think. My only experience is of SAPI plates which are fine but was curious about this new swimmers cut deal.
Swimmer gives too much away IMO. I’d probably just wear no armor rather than swimmer’s cut if I needed that much mobility.

Polyethylene is light enough now that a standard cut doesn’t weigh you down much.
Also, shooter cut, swimmer cut, etc etc......are not standard definitions. They mean different things from different manufacturers.

A 10x12 is the smallest I’ll use before going without armor.
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I’ve worn them. It’s not about weight. It’s about arm movement and for some it helps shoulder a rifle easier.

I would choose them again.

There’s literally no end to the trade offs every armor wearer is already making. There are soft shoulder armor attachments... are you wearing them? There are rifle plate shoulder attachments... are you wearing them? There are side rifle plates... are you adding those? Groin protector? Ceramic face armor (yes, it exists)? Drop leg armor?

Don’t be afraid to compromise protection for mobility. you already ARE unless you add all the stuff I listed above and more.

Im not saying they’re for everyone. Each guy should choose based on his specific needs. Just be aware that the tiny percentage of coverage you give up with shooter cut plates is far far less than you already gave up not wearing everything mentioned above, so as a concept, we ALL agree giving up protection for weight or mobility is ok.
I have the Velocity systems special threat plate (as they are now called...used to be lvl III/IV ICW plates) which are more of a shooters cut.

Swimmers cut makes an even steeper angle and longer cut off the corner which provides less coverage and exposing some of the lung and possibly clavian artery.

SAPI makes a less steep cut at the corners and covers more than either of the above options. It’s also the only real standard out there and what most PC’s are cut for. If you use shooter or swimmer cut plates in a “one size fits all” carrier like my Mayflower APC then you will have some loose material, which really hasn’t been an issue in real life especially with the built in “plate lifters”.

To answer the question, I like them and think Shooters cut is a nice in between that balances coverage and mobility well. I can shoot with the stock (mostly) in my shoulder pocket OR on the plate and be just fine. I do adjust my stock one click in to compensate when wearing armor though.

Also, Med SAPI’s are 9.5x12.5, so I’m not sure where they are “drastically” different than 10x12...
I have the Velocity systems special threat plate (as they are now called...used to be lvl III/IV ICW plates) which are more of a shooters cut.

Swimmers cut makes an even steeper angle and longer cut off the corner which provides less coverage and exposing some of the lung and possibly clavian artery.

SAPI makes a less steep cut at the corners and covers more than either of the above options. It’s also the only real standard out there and what most PC’s are cut for. If you use shooter or swimmer cut plates in a “one size fits all” carrier like my Mayflower APC then you will have some loose material, which really hasn’t been an issue in real life especially with the built in “plate lifters”.

To answer the question, I like them and think Shooters cut is a nice in between that balances coverage and mobility well. I can shoot with the stock (mostly) in my shoulder pocket OR on the plate and be just fine. I do adjust my stock one click in to compensate when wearing armor though.

Also, Med SAPI’s are 9.5x12.5, so I’m not sure where they are “drastically” different than 10x12...

This is exactly why I’m asking. Other than the angle of the cut I don’t see much difference. All I’ve ever used is SAPI so I have no experience with the shooters cut at all but I don’t see them being that much different. The question will be whether they fit a carrier that is technically for a SAPI plate or are they going to move around a bunch if the carrier doesn’t have lifters or adjustability.
Unless shooting a bolt or large frame AR, as mentioned above, shooting from shoulder or plate doesn’t matter much. You should be comfortable doing both.

Also, I wouldn’t look at things in a 1:1 fashion when considering not wearing shoulder attachments vs now talking about % of your lungs you’ll be exposing. We are now into a reverse diminishing return area when comparing things like that.
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I would agree if we were referring to some of the other items I mentioned but it’s well known that many of the lethal rounds to armor wearing soldiers (and cops) is from the side/armpit area into the vitals. Shoulder armor addresses many of those shots.

I’m not suggesting wearing shoulder armor, just pointing out the massive compromise already made by ALL of us before we consider the small sacrifice of shooter cut.

also, take a look at an actual guy wearing plates. The percentage of vital coverage is tiny unless DIRECTLY facing the threat. Prone, slightly bladed, engaging another threat? You’re sacrificing FAR more coverage that whatever cut your plates are.
Standard cut plates really fucked with my clavicles and also got in the way of me shouldering the rifle the way I like. Shooter cut helped me out a lot. And honestly when in my shooting stance I didn’t feel more vulnerable. The improved mobility and comfort while shooting where worth it
Standard cut plates really fucked with my clavicles and also got in the way of me shouldering the rifle the way I like. Shooter cut helped me out a lot. And honestly when in my shooting stance I didn’t feel more vulnerable. The improved mobility and comfort while shooting where worth it

What carrier are you running them in? If it’s a carrier for SAPI plates then how does the swimmer cut fit? Is there a lot of movement or are they just as snug? I might try them for my emergency go to stuff in the car but I really didn’t want to have to get a new carrier just for these plates.
I’m using a Velocity Mayflower plate carrier and Haley Strategic disruptive environment chest rig secured with swift clips. Plate carrier holds the plates nice and snug. Believe it’s made to hold shooter / swimmers cut or ESAPI plates