Conservatives are the country’s biggest threat


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  • Aug 18, 2020
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    Or, looking at it from the other direction, the commies know that they are traitorous enough to the point of firing up patriots into striving to keep the republic. The freedom fighters we were helping in Nicaragua in the 80s might have been called terrorists by the PTB at the time.

    Essentially, this is a war of perception. And by calling religious conservatives and veterans terrorists, they hope that conservatives will NOT act in order to prove them wrong.

    The proper response is to loudly call them liars to their faces, non-stop, 24/7/365. Twice in Sundays for practice.

    Liars, Liars, Liars .... wear them the eff out with it. When they stop to take a breath, call them a liar. Point out the lies. No retreat, no surrender because they certainly do not.

    In fact, the one thing that can be learned from the commies is that whether they are good or bad fighters, they simply never stop, like the Terminatoor as described by Reese (MIchael Biehn.)
    They are so lucky we are not or it would have been end game long ago.
    Thing is, I think they are poking the bear. Like the guy that keeps jabbing you in the chest with a finger and then when you finally swing back at him, he says, "why you mad, bro?"

    They are gaslighting.

    Liars, all them, every single last one, without exception.

    Biden DHS docs suggested Trump supporters, military and religious people are likely violent terror threats​

    Nope, it’s not the murderers, not the democrats burning down our cities, rioting and looting.

    Those god damned stupid fucks should be jailed for treason.

    We were the ones who believe God is the one and only true King, told King George to fuck off a while back because of aforementioned reason, refused to pay taxes, used to pour hot tar and feather tax collectors, we got into gunfights with the police (red coats), and eventually won.

    We are Real Americans, and tyrants are deathly afraid of that.
    make the guillotine great again. they have been trying from many angles to put trump in prison. if that doesn't work,i am sure they have plans in place to kill him. they have a history of doing such. if that happens what his supporters will do remains to be seen. i like trump but he is a symbol to both sides. symbols matter a lot in the human psyche. they have the ability and power to target,monitor and record any and all contrarians,trump supporters,resisters,protestors. they will imprison,enslave or kill all of those despite the large numbers. hitler killed at least 8 mil,stalin 20,mao,who can say? do not think that any will be safe or secure on this path we are on? the forced vaccines should give some clue.
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    Democrats are in a different game. They are in it for complete control of everyone. They’ve always been this way. They are the new Communist. Many didn’t notice until Obama came along.

    And they are winning because the right-wing politicians are a bunch of spineless wimps who refuse to fight back
    Them DumbfucksocRATs are still mad because Lincoln gave their slaves their freedom some 150 some years ago. Sadly if it didn't happen then there would be concentration camps all over and no guns. These corrupted fuckers just can't wait to do such things to outlaw guns away from us that stands for the Republic!
    make the guillotine great again. they have been trying from many angles to put trump in prison. if that doesn't work,i am sure they have plans in place to kill him. they have a history of doing such. if that happens what his supporters will do remains to be seen. i like trump but he is a symbol to both sides. symbols matter a lot in the human psyche. they have the ability and power to target,monitor and record any and all contrarians,trump supporters,resisters,protestors. they will imprison,enslave or kill all of those despite the large numbers. hitler killed at least 8 mil,stalin 20,mao,who can say? do not think that any will be safe or secure on this path we are on? the forced vaccines should give some clue.
    There's no need to kill him. Actually I think that they are going to let the election run it's course. If Trump wins the economy is going to hit rock bottom. Financially the public is in worse shape than in '08 and a crash worse than that one will have the people begging for the government to do something. Trump will cave to anything that the deep state puts in front of him if he thinks it will keep him popular. And just like the "Patriot Act" they already have the "fix" written up just waiting for the disaster. Trump caved on giving Big Pharma immunity for the death jab. Trump caved on the bump stock. Trump caved on every spending bill. Trump caved on a lot of shit for the sake of his popularity.
    What history will record is that Trump brought about the disaster the USA has become.
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    The lefties are losing the great reset. They now want to destroy every thing they can like a vengeful ex-partner. The political “opposition” goes along with it because they like the cheap blow jobs from addicts.
    Them DumbfucksocRATs are still mad because Lincoln gave their slaves their freedom some 150 some years ago. Sadly if it didn't happen then there would be concentration camps all over and no guns. These corrupted fuckers just can't wait to do such things to outlaw guns away from us that stands for the Republic!
    The democrats are mad about a war giving the fed new unprecedented power over the state, and allowing the formation of the federal reserve and the charging of interest. I don't think so...
    The lefties are losing the great reset. They now want to destroy every thing they can like a vengeful ex-partner. The political “opposition” goes along with it because they like the cheap blow jobs from addicts.
    The lefties declared war in 2016. Everyone was all, bring it on man. Since then they have shown they completely control the federal and most state governments. Who is loosing here?

    It appears young girls and illegally parked trailers are the largest threat to the nation - rating entry into homes without warrant's and aiming guns at kids - and wiping dog shit on porch steps .

    Gotta watch out for illegally parked trailers - way more dangerous than 200+ nights of arson rape and looting .
    The lefties are losing the great reset. They now want to destroy every thing they can like a vengeful ex-partner.
    Thats usually what a criminal regime does when they are ousted from a country they took over, to destroy it on the way out. Remember what Sadaam did to Kuwait.

    The Obiden Democrat regime is no different, except they've been trying to destroy America since they stole the election.

    If they lose in '24, expect fireworks such as the electrical grid being sabotaged, water supplies poisoned, etc. They're not going away peacefully.
    Well they know they are pissing people off with what’s already baked into the cake and all the icing to come. So they are suppressing protest by proactively calling out anyone who doesn’t like their serving of the cake as an enemy.
    I believe they continue to try and provoke some sort of violent response from the so-called right wing MAGA white nationalists. But all they end up with is minorities and trannies going on shooting sprees that screws up their narrative. But you can bet that they have some 10,000 word document all ready to drop as the latest gun control attempt if they ever do find a way to bait somebody into acting. Time is on their side. They are playing the long game and simply waiting for that opportunity.
    Yay, I'm on another list now.

    It's just a badge of honor at this point

    as are we all. maybe the feds can run a contest for us-who is the biggest list # holder. maybe the prize could be getting to choose our cell mate instead if the 300lb black trany rapist that they have planned for us. ie if we are not on some of the kill lists.
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    Biden DHS docs suggested Trump supporters, military and religious people are likely violent terror threats​

    Nope, it’s not the murderers, not the democrats burning down our cities, rioting and looting.

    Those god damned stupid fucks should be jailed for treason.
    I think it's all a matter of perspective. Human nature dictates that everyone believes they're on the right side. Which really annoys those of us who are...