Gunsmithing considering a build


Full Member
Mar 3, 2010
Abilene texas
okay so I am thinking about starting a build but want to know what I am getting myself into. I want to do this right but budget is definitely not what it needs to be. Im looking for a zippy 6mm heavy varmint light deer long range gun. Im considering 6mm norma, any of the 6x284 variants or maybe a 243AI. i would like to base this off of a Rem 700 action. I am not worried about stalk i can take care of that. But i don't want to get myself in over my head.

Ballpark guestimate how much would we be talking to rehabber, add a Shilen, brux, kreiger or other barrel. and true the action. also maybe add a better recoil lug?

I understand this can be a wide spectrum but i am curious to just get some kind of number to start considering.
Re: considering a build

Yep definitely depends on all new or all used or a mixture if the two. I don't know bout rems but I put $900 in a savage that was mostly used parts off the hide. I did do some things that weren't absolutely necessary and used some new parts, but its hard to tell if you'll find what you need used. I'd definitely budget in a new recoil luv.