I'd like to throw up a review for some kydex I've been using for about a year now. The company is Contact!Concealment, and the owner is a close personal friend.
Bruce has spent about the last 20 years in the military or law enforcement, working with local and federal agencies in cases invloving narcotics and organized crime. Apart from making kick ass holsters, he is currently a LE SWAT trainer and owns and runs a BJJ gym. He knows what quality gear is, the difference it will make, and won't let anything else out of his shop.
On to the plastic. The first holster I got from him was an OD/coyote combo 1911/X300 combo. I wore it for several months and was very impressed, but didn't realize the thought that went into his designs until I went on New Mexico archery bear hunt and wore it 18 hours a day for seven days. There is a full review of the single holster on that hunt at his website. I won't waste space with a cut and paste, for those interested, it's here: http://www.contactconcealment.com/testimonials.html First one at the top. The summary is that I accidentally used it as a sled on an unplanned partial mountain descent, hung upside down from a deadfall, filled it with mud and rain, crawled through the thickest scrub brush I've ever wandered into, and when I needed it to cover a pissed off bear, it worked. Add to that being stuffed into an extended cab z71 with two other full sized guys, and other such discomforts, and to say I was pleased would be like calling Michael Moore a little hefty.
Since that hunt, Ive had on some Contact!Concealment product daily. When my back starts hurting and I need to go lighter, I put on my G19/x33 combo. IWB? No problem. He offers IWB with spring steel clips or soft loops. The soft loops use a one way snap that can only be opened or closed from one direction, preventing them from coming unsnapped, even with heavy wear. Mag holders, etc. are all available.
The specs are .80 thick kydex, 1/4 inch rivets, .125 thickness on the loops, black oxide steel screws and binding posts. The rivets are 1.25 inches off of the gun. The biggest custom kydex holster maker out there goes .75 off of the gun. I own one of those in G19/X300, and I believe the extra width helps the covering garment to lay flatter on the holster, minimizing printing. One of my favorite features are the loops. Instead of the usual C type loops, he uses a P shape, which can be adjusted as you see it in the pictures, or can be flipped upside down to allow an even higher ride of the holster. I haven't measured everyone elses stuff, but of the makers I own, this allows the biggest range of carry height. Also, one detail i appreciate, is the attention spent rounding the edges of the part that shields the body from the gun. Not a big deal when the gun is holstered, but drawn, those sharp edges can be a bitch.
I currently own and have spent considerable time carrying holsters by what I consider to be, other than C!C, the top three kydex holster manufacturers. Two don't hold a candle to Bruce's stuff. The top reputed manufacturer in the country is not building a better product. I can't find a fault with either. Side by side, Bruce's P loops would probably sway me that way. Consider, though, the 14 DAY turnaround with Contact!Concealment compared to the several months I waited for the other, and it is no contest. Bruce also offers, quoted from the website, "
A 30 day “No questions asked ”Return Policy is offered if you find it does not work for you." Plus a lifetime warrantee that does not cover abuse.
So go to the website, www.contactconcealment.com ,or check him out on facebook to see who else is using his product. For every holster you buy, a Democrat gets erectile dysfuntion.
Obligatory gear porn photo with the majority of my Contact!Concealement kydex. The STI on the left is not seated all the way. I was running out of light and did't see it until it was too late. The pistol sits properly in the holster.
The holster I've carried the longest. This was used as a sled on a New Mexico rock slide for about 30 feet.
G26 IWB with spring steel clips
IWB with soft loops for my STI
Close up of One Way Snap
Close up of finished edge and P loop
Back of G19/x300 combo
My three most carried holsters
It's all in the details. Picture perfect flared rivet back side
Rounded edges do not pinch when the gun is drawn
Bruce has spent about the last 20 years in the military or law enforcement, working with local and federal agencies in cases invloving narcotics and organized crime. Apart from making kick ass holsters, he is currently a LE SWAT trainer and owns and runs a BJJ gym. He knows what quality gear is, the difference it will make, and won't let anything else out of his shop.
On to the plastic. The first holster I got from him was an OD/coyote combo 1911/X300 combo. I wore it for several months and was very impressed, but didn't realize the thought that went into his designs until I went on New Mexico archery bear hunt and wore it 18 hours a day for seven days. There is a full review of the single holster on that hunt at his website. I won't waste space with a cut and paste, for those interested, it's here: http://www.contactconcealment.com/testimonials.html First one at the top. The summary is that I accidentally used it as a sled on an unplanned partial mountain descent, hung upside down from a deadfall, filled it with mud and rain, crawled through the thickest scrub brush I've ever wandered into, and when I needed it to cover a pissed off bear, it worked. Add to that being stuffed into an extended cab z71 with two other full sized guys, and other such discomforts, and to say I was pleased would be like calling Michael Moore a little hefty.
Since that hunt, Ive had on some Contact!Concealment product daily. When my back starts hurting and I need to go lighter, I put on my G19/x33 combo. IWB? No problem. He offers IWB with spring steel clips or soft loops. The soft loops use a one way snap that can only be opened or closed from one direction, preventing them from coming unsnapped, even with heavy wear. Mag holders, etc. are all available.
The specs are .80 thick kydex, 1/4 inch rivets, .125 thickness on the loops, black oxide steel screws and binding posts. The rivets are 1.25 inches off of the gun. The biggest custom kydex holster maker out there goes .75 off of the gun. I own one of those in G19/X300, and I believe the extra width helps the covering garment to lay flatter on the holster, minimizing printing. One of my favorite features are the loops. Instead of the usual C type loops, he uses a P shape, which can be adjusted as you see it in the pictures, or can be flipped upside down to allow an even higher ride of the holster. I haven't measured everyone elses stuff, but of the makers I own, this allows the biggest range of carry height. Also, one detail i appreciate, is the attention spent rounding the edges of the part that shields the body from the gun. Not a big deal when the gun is holstered, but drawn, those sharp edges can be a bitch.
I currently own and have spent considerable time carrying holsters by what I consider to be, other than C!C, the top three kydex holster manufacturers. Two don't hold a candle to Bruce's stuff. The top reputed manufacturer in the country is not building a better product. I can't find a fault with either. Side by side, Bruce's P loops would probably sway me that way. Consider, though, the 14 DAY turnaround with Contact!Concealment compared to the several months I waited for the other, and it is no contest. Bruce also offers, quoted from the website, "
A 30 day “No questions asked ”Return Policy is offered if you find it does not work for you." Plus a lifetime warrantee that does not cover abuse.
So go to the website, www.contactconcealment.com ,or check him out on facebook to see who else is using his product. For every holster you buy, a Democrat gets erectile dysfuntion.
Obligatory gear porn photo with the majority of my Contact!Concealement kydex. The STI on the left is not seated all the way. I was running out of light and did't see it until it was too late. The pistol sits properly in the holster.

The holster I've carried the longest. This was used as a sled on a New Mexico rock slide for about 30 feet.

G26 IWB with spring steel clips

IWB with soft loops for my STI

Close up of One Way Snap

Close up of finished edge and P loop

Back of G19/x300 combo

My three most carried holsters

It's all in the details. Picture perfect flared rivet back side

Rounded edges do not pinch when the gun is drawn