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Convicted For Building Guns; Judge says, “Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom”

This is sick. It's really crazy that this is simply allowed to happen. There is no justice or law and order if this can take place and no one else of power steps in to correct it. It really makes you feel that you are helpless in this world of delusional insane sociopaths. To be there standing in a courtroom while professional arguers say things about you that aren't true to paint a picture and cast doubt over you as a human being, I can't imagine the sense of frustration that must run through someone in that situation.

What I want to know, is how or what did they find that made them realize he was buying legal parts from multiple distributors, that they then opened an investigation and then swat raided his home. Was it unjustified internet surveillance?

This is sick. It's really crazy that this is simply allowed to happen. There is no justice or law and order if this can take place and no one else of power steps in to correct it. It really makes you feel that you are helpless in this world of delusional insane sociopaths. To be there standing in a courtroom while professional arguers say things about you that aren't true to paint a picture and cast doubt over you as a human being, I can't imagine the sense of frustration that must run through someone in that situation.

What I want to know, is how or what did they find that made them realize he was buying legal parts from multiple distributors, that they then opened an investigation and then swat raided his home. Was it unjustified internet surveillance?

Most likely the credit card company reporting firearms part purchases from communist NYC. The banks are colluding against the citizens and the Constitution.
wouldn't that judge be the reason the 2A was written? Shes an enemy of the state and should be dealt with accordingly.
She is the exact reason for 2a but she is the opposite of the state’s enemy. She is doing exactly what “the state” wants her to do, increase it’s power
Very important points to take from this:

* Law abiding gun enthusiast Dexter Taylor could have been any one of us. He has no criminal history, is a hard worker and upstanding member of his community. There has been no criminal intent except the fact that he triggered the New York State legislature's favorite and most fearful bugbear of "ghost guns" by building his own perfectly legal firearms, using parts he legally purchased that were probably never even addressed by NY State law until they suddenly passed a ghost gun ban overnight in knee jerk fashion.

* The jury is the biggest bunch of spineless cucks there has got to be. NO knowledge of the Constitution. THIS is the reason why leftist run places do NOT like critical thinkers. They want a completely unquestioning, passive populace who they can convince to vote their way with no personal, moral, or legal challenging. They somehow made a majority of the jurors forget that they are still in the United States and that the Constitution applies everywhere.

* That judge's hideous behavior and comments is the classic historically dominant display of WARLORD MENTALITY. The very thing that the Founders of the USA were concerned about when they drafted the Constitution. The USA is truly a fluke in all of human history, because in the centuries preceding the founding of this country and centuries afterward, the majority of the world had been and is still ruled by warlord strongmen determined to conquer, subjugate, and enforce their personal beliefs with iron fists. All across Eurasia from before the Roman Empire all the way to modern Turkmenistan, China, North Korea, and Myanmar, the land had been constantly fought over by bloodthirsty warlords. And when a particularly powerful warlord clan manages to subdue their surrounding principalities and forge a unified empire, they ALWAYS institute iron fisted central rule and enforce single-minded loyalty from the population, for ONE reason: To prevent their hard earned power from being usurped and overthrown by newly rising rebel forces. Entire former ruling families and towns that even slightly deviated from the new conqueror's will were routinely wiped out and slaughtered to the last man, woman, and child. In 1627, the Manchus and other bands of pirates living lawlessly on the borderland between Ming China and Joseon Korea were unified into a conquering power by a brutal chieftain named Nurhaci and within 20 years, had conquered all of China and Korea to form the Qing Dynasty. Immediately, the Qing instituted the penalty of "Xiao Mi Jiou Dai" upon all former nobles and officials of the imperial houses of China and Korea they had replaced. That translates to "Exterminate 9 Generations" and it is EXACTLY what you think it is. Nine entire generations of all targeted people, from their grandparents to the most distant relatives, to the newborn children, were captured and executed, in order to prevent any potential future challenges to Qing rule. That kind of behavior is the norm throughout history, and given even the slightest opportunity, this judge would eagerly raise her own private army of fanatical followers and rule her own fiefdom in cartel fashion. Narcissism, predation, greed, and bloodlust are the dominant traits of all leaders and regimes throughout history, and by a most spectacular fluke, the truly wise men who founded the USA were not possessed by any of these traits, and they wrote the safeguards to specifically prevent that from happening in this new land. This is why the 2nd Amendment exists.

Everybody in the RKBA community must rally behind our own and Mr. Taylor do express the intent to turn this into a landmark 2A case as groundbreaking as Heller and Bruen and we must help this to happen.
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So, why is she still on the bench? Seriously. Why has she not been cuffed and arrested for treason?

I want the whole thing. Cuffs, Miranda Advice (which is not required, it is just educating the judge on the Constitution,) the perp walk, bang her head on the B pillar of the cop car. All of it.

So, until someone removes her from the bench, she will keep doing this. Even right now, she is doing it.

Five minutes later, yep, still shitting on the Bill of Rights.

Another five minutes, still on the bench.

I could go on and on and on.....
Come on now, this can't be happening. The hide experts said the illegal allowed to have a gun in Chicago to protect himself will pave the way for us to not have to worry about stuff like this happening...
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Way things are going... it may not be too long.

This means war.JPG

Kinda got me worried.
I was praying it wouldn't come to that, having seen it firsthand elsewhere.
Way things are going... it may not be too long.

View attachment 8403690

Kinda got me worried.
I was praying it wouldn't come to that, having seen it firsthand elsewhere.
Especially when the Left plays the Martial Law card, wiping out the '24 election.

They know the good guys won't do shit. And when it comes down to it, whats there to do, the only organized, well armed militia are the military and police and we all know what side they're on.
So, why is she still on the bench? Seriously. Why has she not been cuffed and arrested for treason?

I want the whole thing. Cuffs, Miranda Advice (which is not required, it is just educating the judge on the Constitution,) the perp walk, bang her head on the B pillar of the cop car. All of it.

So, until someone removes her from the bench, she will keep doing this. Even right now, she is doing it.

Five minutes later, yep, still shitting on the Bill of Rights.

Another five minutes, still on the bench.

I could go on and on and on.....
None of this will EVER happen till 3% are willing to make the sacrifice
There's a reason that Remington left New York, they saw the writing on the wall. America is becoming divided in quite an ugly way: Some states absolutely reject the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

It doesn't surprise me one bit that a black judge harshly convicts an innocent black man and denies him adequate defense and also denies the existence of the Constitution and the recent Supreme Court decisions. Our illustrious VP tried to get men executed by withholding exonerating evidence.
Tyrants gonna tyrant.

It’s what they do.

Virtually every human has a tyrant inside, most just don’t get an opportunity to let it out.

Sad to say, this is all going to get MUCH worse before it gets better. What’s coming is not going to be fun for anyone. Tyrants will continue to get what they want, and you and I are the ones who will suffer, until it all comes crashing down — then EVERYONE suffers.

It ain’t gonna be pretty, and no one is coming to save us (except Jesus… but not before the REALLY bad stuff happens).
It's pretty obvious America the Beautiful and it's Constitution are like, so, 2019.

Don't be bringing that Constitution shit in here. Did the 'judge' snap and wave her fingers with her 3" buttpicker claws?

Meanwhile, Biden or actually TPBTP (the powers behind the puppet) have introduced a 44.6% Capital Gains Tax, the highest Capt. Gains Tax hike since it's creation in 1922... with an election coming up.

More uprisings have been caused by raising taxes than any other reason. They know this. They want a civil war.
Form facebook... about the GOT... and very true if you think about it. They fear us, because of our weapons (sharp piece of steel). This is why they are trying everything in their power to take them away from us, and get us to relinquish OUR power.

- Shall I leave you with a riddle, Lord Tyrion? -He didn't wait for the answer-. In a room there are three men of great importance: a king, a priest and a rich man. In front of them stands a mercenary, an unimportant man of low birth and an unsharp mind. Each of the big ones wants me to kill the others.
>>-Kill them -says the king-, because I am your legitimate ruler.
>>-Kill them -says the priest-: I order it in the name of the gods.
>>-Kill them -says the rich man-, and all this gold will be yours.
And tell me... Who lives and who dies?
{....} After several weeks {....}
"I've given it some thought," Tyrion acknowledged. The king, the priest, the rich man... Who lives and who dies? Who will the swordsman obey? It is a riddle without an answer; rather, with too many answers. It all depends on what the man with the sword is like.
"But in reality, the man with the sword is nobody," Varys pointed out. He has no crown, no gold, no favor from the gods, only a sharp piece of steel.
-That piece of steel is the power of life and death.
-Exact. But, if the one who really governs us is the man at arms, why do we pretend that it is our kings who have the power? Why would a strong man with a sword ever consider obeying a boy king like Joffrey, or a drunken idiot like his father?
-Because those child kings and those drunk idiots can call other strong men, with other swords.
-Then it would be those other warriors who would actually have the power. Or not? from where are their swords going out? Why do they obey? -Varys smiled-. There are those who say that knowledge is power. There are those who say that power derives from the gods. Others say that power is given by the law
-Are you going to tell me the answer to the damn riddle or do you just want to make my headache worse? -Tyrion tilted his head to the side.
"Okay," said Varys, smiling again, "there it goes: power resides where men believe it resides." No more no less.
-So, power is a farce?
"A shadow on the wall," Varys murmured. But the shadows can kill. And sometimes a very small man can cast a very large shadow.


Once enough people remember it is an "armed populace" that has the true power... they are doomed.
Just hopping we collectively remember that before it's too late.
Tyrants gonna tyrant.

It’s what they do.

Virtually every human has a tyrant inside, most just don’t get an opportunity to let it out.

Sad to say, this is all going to get MUCH worse before it gets better. What’s coming is not going to be fun for anyone. Tyrants will continue to get what they want, and you and I are the ones who will suffer, until it all comes crashing down — then EVERYONE suffers.

It ain’t gonna be pretty, and no one is coming to save us (except Jesus… but not before the REALLY bad stuff happens).

If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?

-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
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I'll comment again, full aware this will be replied to,

The Judge in question is not a Federal Judge. She is a NYC judge and while ALL state and city judges SHOULD follow the Constitution, all the various (illegal) state laws usually cut into the intent of our forefathers when they came up with the 2A.
Anyone charged/convicted of ANY state/city gun law (or any law that doesn't follow the Constitution) has a path to the Supreme Court.
We have states that honor the 2A, some don't.
Live in a antigun state or city, MOVE, OBEY, or HIDE.

Building guns in the basement in NYC was a bad decision.
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She provided ample basis for appeal with her idiotic statements.

She also provided ample basis for filing a complaint about her with the bar.

But, in the meantime this poor fool (fool because he lives in that fucking state) is in Rikers. Now, be an illegal alien beating up a cop on the streets of NYC, and you are back on the streets in a few hours. This guy....Rikers.
Especially when the Left plays the Martial Law card, wiping out the '24 election.

They know the good guys won't do shit. And when it comes down to it, whats there to do, the only organized, well armed militia are the military and police and we all know what side they're on.

Law Enforcement, perhaps (with exceptions in certain areas), but I'm not so sure about the Military being on "their side." Certainly not the rank and file. They are just as "sworn to uphold the Constitution" as anyone else. It's really only the JCOS and branch High command(s) that are the problem.

Rather than a total "sanguinous conflict," maybe they might do it the "old fashioned" way... A "Military Coup." I would think the Military would be able to dispatch the US Marshalls Ofc. and Secret Service with relative ease. After which, the CG holds "legal" elections the way they're supposed to be held. No fuss.... No muss... No "wet work/teams" required.
Well perhaps the honorable Darkie should sail back to the advanced kingdom of Wakanda if interpreting the Bill of Rights is too demanding for its intellect.
There's a reason that Remington left New York, they saw the writing on the wall. America is becoming divided in quite an ugly way: Some states absolutely reject the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

It doesn't surprise me one bit that a black judge harshly convicts an innocent black man and denies him adequate defense and also denies the existence of the Constitution and the recent Supreme Court decisions. Our illustrious VP tried to get men executed by withholding exonerating evidence.
True. When you come from a land where tribal chieftains rule by slaughter, there is no culture of laws and fairness.

Well, look at Zimbabwe. And modern South Africa. Nobody worked the land, it was fallow. The residents were too busy killing each other, eating each other, and selling each other as slaves to anyone with money. So, the dutch moved down there and bought the land and worked to the bone to make these great farms.

In Zimbabwe, the tribes took the land back and ran off and got rid of the white dutch farmers. And then the country went to being worthless again because, as it turns out, you cannot grow coffee beans by twerking for sport and killing each other for gain.

In south Africa, they are trying to repeat what was done in Zimbabwe.
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True. When you come from a land where tribal chieftains rule by slaughter, there is no culture of laws and fairness.

Well, look at Zimbabwe. And modern South Africa. Nobody worked the land, it was fallow. The residents were too busy killing each other, eating each other, and selling each other as slaves to anyone with money. So, the dutch moved down there and bought the land and worked to the bone to make these great farms.

In Zimbabwe, the tribes took the land back and ran off and got rid of the white dutch farmers. And then the country went to being worthless again because, as it turns out, you cannot grow coffee beans by twerking for sport and killing each other for gain.

In south Africa, they are trying to repeat what was done in Zimbabwe.