Cooper, Annie, Sako ?????


Aug 18, 2012
S.E. Houston
I have these three on the final list. All in .22 LR. I am leaning towards the Sako with the chance to get a .17 HMR barrel to go with it. Please nothing about savage or cz. Only these rifles. I already own the others just looking to move up. It will be used for LR shooting and, feral cat removal at my home.(hopefully long range as well).

Thanks, BE
Re: Cooper, Annie, Sako ?????

Well, my opinion only.....

Cooper and Annie are in the major leagues, while the Sako is AAA. Make sense? In other words the Sako is inferior to the Annie and Cooper. The Sako Finnfire is (again, my opinion) a better rifle than the Quad, but it will be hard to find a Finnfire.

That being said, I have owned a couple of Annies and really like them. I don't own one right now, but I have a 1710 HB on order. The Coopers I have been around shot really sweet as well. I believe they were Model 57's one JSR and the other a Classic.

There ya go....that didn't directly answer your question, but you know which way I would go and did go
Re: Cooper, Annie, Sako ?????

I own an it and it shoots MOA or less at 100 all day long...I had a chance to tour Cooper on my last flight out west, all I can say is after the tour and seeing the shop I'd have no problem picking up one of there rifles....they are a class act.....the fit and finish is perect....and watching them get put together says it all.....still love my annie.....
Re: Cooper, Annie, Sako ?????

Thanks MT, The cooper is a 57m classic and the annie is a 1416. They both have a lot of positive info on them. I have not had a chance to put my hands on either.

On the off chance I buy the annie I would have 800$ to spend on glass for the same price..... rather attractive. On the other hand I Believe the cooper will be a superior rifle in the long run.

Maybe I'm wrong?
Re: Cooper, Annie, Sako ?????

Although the Cooper is in a higher price category than the 1416......I don't think the 1416 Annie will be inferior at all. I've had both 64 and 54 actions. The 64 shot just as well as my 54. Though, you may want to take a close look at the 64 MPR. It has great reviews. It's a couple hundred more than the 1416, but I believe will have a much nicer trigger. I've had the trigger that's on the 64 MPR and it is NICE!! But the rifle is also heavier....if that's an issue for you.
Re: Cooper, Annie, Sako ?????

I have owned cooper 57m 22lr and i can say that its trigger is nice but does not compare to my trigger on my 40x. As to accuracy its good for a pencil thin light profile barrel. Yes the fit and finish on the rifle is great. Thats what you are paying premium for. You are paying extra $ select wood and the prep of it.
If you like pretty rifles thats the rifle for you. Anorther thing that annoyed me about the

rifle is that the ejecter was in the way of the cleaning rod and it tore off the coating of the rod.
In 1992 i bought kimber of oregon target rifle that cmp sells now when cooper worked there. That rifle is very simular to the 57m. When i got it to the range i could not sight it in. The front globe sight was mounted canted. It took them 1one year and a nasty gram from a lawyer to get it back. So 16 years later i bought a very simular action with pretty wood for lot of $.

If i was going to buy a 22 i would spend money on a rifle that has an an action that came off a known target action like 54 action
Re: Cooper, Annie, Sako ?????

Once dialed in, my Sako Quad will ping a gong at 425y all day long, regardless of the ability the trigger person (WMT ammo, 16x Leupy Mark-4). No doubt other platforms would do likewise but I'm very happy with it (and won't mention the ones you want left unmentioned as I own them as well).
Re: Cooper, Annie, Sako ?????


I'll have to go with the Anschutz rifles. I have had a few and they have shot pretty good. What do you think?

This is 5 rounds @100 yard through a Anschutz 1717D (17HMR) all Stock.

This one is 5 rounds at 50 Yards through a modified Anschutz MPR 64 in 22lr.

And this picture is of the same rifle at 50 yards. But It's 15 rounds. Not the best but OK.
Re: Cooper, Annie, Sako ?????

Another vote for Annie. Girlfriend has a 1416 - a lot of gun for the money. I have an older 64 action repeater. Both are great rifles. Cooper's are fine looking rifles if that's your thing but if I were buying a shooter the only question I would be asking myself would be "What model Anschutz do I want to add to my collection?"
Re: Cooper, Annie, Sako ?????

My Sako Quad with a Lilja barrel shoots neck and neck with a friend's Anschutz-- the guy pulling the trigger on that given day ends up being the determining factor. Both are very accurate. However, stock for stock the Anschutz was the better gun-- The Sako took some money to get there.

I went with the Sako because of accessory and stock availability; easy to order a Manners T4 ready for a Quad. Not so much for an Anschutz...

Also, to get my Quad to run .22LR reliably from the mags with the Lilja barrel required a slight polishing & ramp on the bottom of the chamber edge with a Cratex wheel. If you look closely at the factory .22LR Quad barrels the bottom of the chamber between about 4 and 7 o'clock is *very* lightly radiused and ramped; the Liljas are just square cut with a sharp edge and that sharp edge likes to grab and hang up the nose of the first couple rounds out of the mag. After lightly radiusing the bottom edge of the chamber with a Cratex wheel to match the factory Sako barrel it now feeds perfectly even with the first couple rounds out of the mags.

After fixing the .22LR mag feed issues I really like my Quad. The trigger (after being worked by Larry Gish) is a very crisp 2#, it's very accurate, and the bolt throw is very quick and smooth. I liked it so well I built a second one with everything identical except with a .17HMR barrel for ground squirrels.

I can't comment on the Cooper rimfires as I've never seen one or shot one. I have shot one of Coopers .223 varmint guns; the fit, finish, and stock was beautiful but in my opinion the accuracy was not up to the fit & finish standard set by the rest of the rifle. It wasn't my gun though so it could have been dirty, ammo it didn't like, etc.

It hasn't been mentioned yet but you also may want to consider one of the BlackOps Model 605 40X-style repeater actions once they're available...
Re: Cooper, Annie, Sako ?????

I have a good friend that owns a Cooper Jackson Squirrel that has absolutely some of the most beautiful wood I have seen on it. It can, and regularly does, provide accuracy that rivals its beauty. It is ammo sensitive though.
My Quad with Lilja is set up in tactical attire so not very exquisite. It will drive nails with several different brands of ammo and loves the lower budge Wolf Match Extra.
I have never owned or fired the Anshutz rifles.
Re: Cooper, Annie, Sako ?????

I have a Sako Finnfire and a Quad. The Finnfire has a "Sundberg" taper Lilja Barrel. The Quad is built up at a trainer with Lilja bull barrel, Manners stock etc. I also have a Anshutz Biathlon 64R.

The Sako's have outstanding accuracy with the Lilja barrels. The Anshutz has a better trigger but shoots right with the Sako's.

All are great shooters. A used Finnfire IMHO is the way to go if you can find one. Oh ya the Lilja barrels are awesome accurate and worth the money. Never shot a Cooper but heard they are GTG too. Good luck on your 22lr search.