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Covid part II planned and scheduled


Constitutionalist, by choice
Full Member
  • Dec 21, 2011

    That's what this guy says and he may be right. I hope Trump tell China that the next nation to use biological warfare will get 1000 American ICBM's in exchange.
    To be fair, China was looking to kill off a significant portion of their own elderly population given the failure of their "one child" policy. And saving $.
    OK, I admit it… I made C

    I remain convinced that the primary objective was to put corrupted Biden in the White house.
    I agree that was part of the plan. As was "testing" the worlds populace in what govt controls could be implemented as a test run for future violations of rights and such.
    What actually happened… Was that the Chinese were collecting coronavirus because they were trying to do research on them because the prior coronavirus bent them over the last time. Several of the lead researchers from the lab were doing the typical commie thing of not being extraordinarily careful. One by one they became infected when the virus crossed over from whatever primates they were using in the lab. At that same time, those researchers went home and gave everybody around them the friggin virus. Subsequently the people from the lab started disappearing from the website as the Chinese government started trying to erase that they were at fault for the whole thing. Then it got worse and started killing off Chinese people like they were going out of style, while at the same time spreading across the planet. The crime in all of this is that the Chinese didn’t tell the rest of us what the fuck was going on the moment they realized it because the bastards didn’t want to look bad.

    That’s what actually happened.

    In the early days, there was a YouTuber that figured all this out and actually posted all of this shit in a video… it was surprisingly well done. Interestingly, it disappeared pretty quickly because YouTube didn’t want anybody blaming the Chinese.

    What actually happened… Was that the Chinese were collecting coronavirus because they were trying to do research on them because the prior coronavirus bent them over the last time. Several of the lead researchers from the lab were doing the typical commie thing of not being extraordinarily careful. One by one they became infected when the virus crossed over from whatever primates they were using in the lab. At that same time, those researchers went home and gave everybody around them the friggin virus. Subsequently the people from the lab started disappearing from the website as the Chinese government started trying to erase that they were at fault for the whole thing. Then it got worse and started killing off Chinese people like they were going out of style, while at the same time spreading across the planet. The crime in all of this is that the Chinese didn’t tell the rest of us what the fuck was going on the moment they realized it because the bastards didn’t want to look bad.

    That’s what actually happened.

    In the early days, there was a YouTuber that figured all this out and actually posted all of this shit in a video… it was surprisingly well done. Interestingly, it disappeared pretty quickly because YouTube didn’t want anybody blaming the Chinese.


    Hong Kong could have been the reason for the 'deliberate' angle of release. Hong Kong boogaloo was starting to go hot when the first cases appeared. My best guess is that the Chicoms initially planned to release it in HK and sicken enough of the population there so the rebellion dies down, but as per Chicom quality control and containment measures, the virus got out from where it was being assembled and loaded in Wuhan.
    What actually happened… Was that the Chinese were collecting coronavirus because they were trying to do research on them because the prior coronavirus bent them over the last time. Several of the lead researchers from the lab were doing the typical commie thing of not being extraordinarily careful. One by one they became infected when the virus crossed over from whatever primates they were using in the lab. At that same time, those researchers went home and gave everybody around them the friggin virus. Subsequently the people from the lab started disappearing from the website as the Chinese government started trying to erase that they were at fault for the whole thing. Then it got worse and started killing off Chinese people like they were going out of style, while at the same time spreading across the planet. The crime in all of this is that the Chinese didn’t tell the rest of us what the fuck was going on the moment they realized it because the bastards didn’t want to look bad.

    That’s what actually happened.

    In the early days, there was a YouTuber that figured all this out and actually posted all of this shit in a video… it was surprisingly well done. Interestingly, it disappeared pretty quickly because YouTube didn’t want anybody blaming the Chinese.

    Add to this, that it was chinese "people" whom were inside the "secure bio-lab" here in Winnipeg that took/stole the virus and other stuff, to begin with.

    As I have linked to, here on the Hide, in the past.

    Canada's version of the CDC right here in this city I'm in. Has been in the news a few times, with the RCMP 'investigating' as well as CSIS and such.
    Add to this, that it was chinese "people" whom were inside the "secure bio-lab" here in Winnipeg that took/stole the virus and other stuff, to begin with.

    As I have linked to, here on the Hide, in the past.

    Canada's version of the CDC right here in this city I'm in. Has been in the news a few times, with the RCMP 'investigating' as well as CSIS and such.

    China has a shit load of coronaviruses that they’ve been collecting from the more obscure parts of China. Fairly positive it actually came from one of those locations. I’m sure they were working on other crap, but that’s pretty much what is believed to be the source of that damn virus. They had a legitimate concern about some obscure fucking virus being found in the middle of nowhere in the least habitable parts of China, and them getting butt fucked again because they had no prior knowledge of various strains ve of coronavirus.

    Then you add general incompetency to screwing around with coronaviruses, and you get the fuck up that is communism.
    What actually happened… Was that the Chinese were collecting coronavirus because they were trying to do research on them because the prior coronavirus bent them over the last time. Several of the lead researchers from the lab were doing the typical commie thing of not being extraordinarily careful. One by one they became infected when the virus crossed over from whatever primates they were using in the lab. At that same time, those researchers went home and gave everybody around them the friggin virus. Subsequently the people from the lab started disappearing from the website as the Chinese government started trying to erase that they were at fault for the whole thing. Then it got worse and started killing off Chinese people like they were going out of style, while at the same time spreading across the planet. The crime in all of this is that the Chinese didn’t tell the rest of us what the fuck was going on the moment they realized it because the bastards didn’t want to look bad.

    That’s what actually happened.

    In the early days, there was a YouTuber that figured all this out and actually posted all of this shit in a video… it was surprisingly well done. Interestingly, it disappeared pretty quickly because YouTube didn’t want anybody blaming the Chinese.

    I think you are correct, but with one modification that makes it much worse….

    I think the Chinese knew what happened from the get go. I think they deliberately left their airports open while at the same time quarantining wuhan. Once the virus got out of the lab, the Chinese decided it was imperative that the rest of the world get it with them, especially America. Trump had China over a barrel on trade, the US economy was on fire, Trump had leverage and was using it to renegotiate trade deals.

    China decided that it was better for China if millions across the world died, rather than slowing/containing it in China, which would have disproportionally hurt China and given Trump even more leverage.

    THAT is the evil of communism.