I've been going on BLM land now off and on for a few weeks and have to say that after I figured out where what was and got a map setup in my GPS to make sure that I was on public land while hunting, I thought things were looking up. Ended up finding an area at night that I figured had to yield many critters and coyotes and started calling. Always made sure I was walking into the wind, called at night, set up to where it was practically impossible to see me or flank me due to the terrain and got good with my rabbit distress close reed call. I'm using a PVS14 on my helmet and have a ANPEQ2A on my M4 that is using 55g VMAX ammo.
First time I went out it was more of a recon mission. Checked out where I was, wandered around, got the lay of things.
Second time was short and just called the 'front' of where I checked out the first trip and was only out for an hour. Figure I needed to go back further.
Third time, went back further and got 2 to wander within 30 yards of me and got both.
So things were looking up.
Went out in that area again on Tues and again on Saturday, both times going further back and in different directions, even found a large watering hole with signs of a ton of pigs and did not see 1 live creature in 8 hours of total time out on the land. Nothing. This is in southern Utah so coyotes are always hunted so I am factoring this in somewhat as well.
Thinking back about this, it was a bit frustrating. This has led me to think about it alot over the past days and I ended up with more questions than answers so I thought I'd ask here instead of either being frustrated by doing something wrong, learning this is part of it or just getting some feedback so I at least know whats going on and I'm not guessing.
- My initial thought was since I got 2 roughly 4 days before going out again that I was in an area that was being avoided because of the 2 I got. On the other hand, I figure 2 is a drop in the bucket and this couldn't be that big of a deal. Which is more true?
- I know coyotes are territorial but how big is their territory and how many are usually in a designated territory? Is this something where there are just a small number per square mile or what is a good rule of thumb? It occurred to me that the 2 I got could have been in their domain, and there were no other coyotes within X distance of here because of the respect for territory.
- I'm hunting in southern Utah where coyote is a year-round season, no tag required and has a $55 per coyote bounty paid by the state. Someone told me that there isn't a coyote out here that hasn't heard a call before and they're probably right. I am thinking that I didn't see anything because the coyotes are outsmarting me or that I am setting up like an idiot, but because I may not be going back far enough on my initial drive. I've only been driving roughly 4 miles on BLM trails at this point and have mapped out further areas to try next.
- I've been using either a Jackrabbit or Cottontail distress, closed reed call. I'm actually pretty good at it, and stay in a stand for 15-20 minutes while constantly scanning for movement with my monocle and turning my IR illuminator on a minute or so after each time I call to check for anything reflective. Are the rabbit calls not the best (what coyote wouldn't like a rabbit?!) or what would be suggested?
- When calling a stand, now far geographically should I relocate before trying again? .25 mile, 1/2 mile, a full mile?
Thanks guys. Looking to go out again tomorrow night; this is very addicting and I'm just trying to get some solid answers in regards to things I keep asking/doing but am not 100% on.
First time I went out it was more of a recon mission. Checked out where I was, wandered around, got the lay of things.
Second time was short and just called the 'front' of where I checked out the first trip and was only out for an hour. Figure I needed to go back further.
Third time, went back further and got 2 to wander within 30 yards of me and got both.
So things were looking up.
Went out in that area again on Tues and again on Saturday, both times going further back and in different directions, even found a large watering hole with signs of a ton of pigs and did not see 1 live creature in 8 hours of total time out on the land. Nothing. This is in southern Utah so coyotes are always hunted so I am factoring this in somewhat as well.
Thinking back about this, it was a bit frustrating. This has led me to think about it alot over the past days and I ended up with more questions than answers so I thought I'd ask here instead of either being frustrated by doing something wrong, learning this is part of it or just getting some feedback so I at least know whats going on and I'm not guessing.
- My initial thought was since I got 2 roughly 4 days before going out again that I was in an area that was being avoided because of the 2 I got. On the other hand, I figure 2 is a drop in the bucket and this couldn't be that big of a deal. Which is more true?
- I know coyotes are territorial but how big is their territory and how many are usually in a designated territory? Is this something where there are just a small number per square mile or what is a good rule of thumb? It occurred to me that the 2 I got could have been in their domain, and there were no other coyotes within X distance of here because of the respect for territory.
- I'm hunting in southern Utah where coyote is a year-round season, no tag required and has a $55 per coyote bounty paid by the state. Someone told me that there isn't a coyote out here that hasn't heard a call before and they're probably right. I am thinking that I didn't see anything because the coyotes are outsmarting me or that I am setting up like an idiot, but because I may not be going back far enough on my initial drive. I've only been driving roughly 4 miles on BLM trails at this point and have mapped out further areas to try next.
- I've been using either a Jackrabbit or Cottontail distress, closed reed call. I'm actually pretty good at it, and stay in a stand for 15-20 minutes while constantly scanning for movement with my monocle and turning my IR illuminator on a minute or so after each time I call to check for anything reflective. Are the rabbit calls not the best (what coyote wouldn't like a rabbit?!) or what would be suggested?
- When calling a stand, now far geographically should I relocate before trying again? .25 mile, 1/2 mile, a full mile?
Thanks guys. Looking to go out again tomorrow night; this is very addicting and I'm just trying to get some solid answers in regards to things I keep asking/doing but am not 100% on.