^ same here.
i'd give more credence to the migration theory, as it holds much more water than the importation conspiracy theory. critters will do what critters will do.
same conspiracy goes on for the "mountain lions" being seen everywhere too. most that were recovered have tattoos and such that can be traced back to a game farm, private owners, or menagerie escapees. but ya never know what may have migrated back to it's home ranges from 100 years ago. there was a mountain lion that was tagged out west US a year or two ago, turns up in new hampshire.
we got confirmed hogs up here now too, migration or escapees from the before mentioned.
there's actually whitetail deer with cattle ear tags sighted / pictured within walking distance of my house, non PGC tagged (they are presently doing studies with tagged ones). so for ear tags, who knows what's going on.
the game folks and private industry put alot of $, time and effort into game species, makes no business sense to reduce that kind of take by importing things that will reduce that kind of take. makes more sense to issue more tags for a higher harvest, and more control over the results than packs of dogs roaming unchecked.
same as saying a yote was on the grassy knoll.
where wolves and yotes differ is that yotes aren't on the threaten or endangered list over the scope of the land mass. perhaps yotes were extirpated in areas still, but certainly not threatened or endangered in the grand scope of things over the last 100 or so years.
so we also have the juvenile bigfoot pictures on a trailcam here in Pa. (jacobs photo) - so we must have those too, probably relocated to Pa. by the FWS as their existence is nearly exposed out west due to overpopulation and urban sprawl. i met a guy in a black truck that smelt like a skunk ape, and he told me....