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Hunting & Fishing COYOTE QUESTIONS


Headmaster of Romper Room
Full Member
Feb 5, 2011
hey folks, after much ado, I finally obtained my hunting license. I really want to go out after coyotes. I know they are pretty prevalent here in my area, but I have a couple of questions: 1) what time(s) are they most active? 2) Do you just get to a spot, set up your gear, call em' in and wait? 3) Any particular information you believe a first time hunter could use? 4) Anything else??? Anything would be greatly appreciated. My friend is letting me use a Johnny Stewart Coyote calling device...thanks!

You are going to get several responses with all kinds of tips etc. Just GO!! You will learn more in a few sets being in the woods, than reading "expert" post ont he Hide. Everyone, at one point in time, went yote hunting for the first time long before the internet came around with bias information.

^^^^^ What he said. But here's a tidbit.

Best advice I can give ya "Learn how to sit still, prickin around on a stand has cost me more than one 'yote."

Now go have fun.

lots of good stuff and links here http://snipershide.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1498206

coyotes are the shit, and probably the most challenging thing out there to go for. as soon as you think you have them figured out, they do something that teaches you still know nothing, so to speak.

being a new hunter, you could probably find something a bit more "easy" to hunt without getting discouraged, but at the same token if you are successful at coyote hunting, everything else seems "easy".

if you want to hunt a predator, think like one... know the wind, don't skyline, get to your set stealthy as possible... the list goes on and on, PRACTICE MAKES... well, alomost perfect in this game.

When I hired on as a government trapper years ago, one of the old timers who was about ready to retire and had worked for the outfit over 35 years told me one time,"Tell me anything you want to about hunting coyotes...just dont ask me". I never have forgot that.

Me thinks me likes that saying Pat !!

Pat...did he say that because coyotes are unpredictable and just have to learn on your own what works for you?

Thoughts from my experience. Be quiet, don't move, don't skyline and make sure you can see/shoot down wind as they like to circle. Just go and do it and learn.

Greg, He made that statement in jist...and he was right. Out of all the critters I've hunted in my 40+ years of hunting, coyotes are in a class by themselves. They are the most intellegent and complex animal...maybe in the entire world.

I wasn't going to weigh in on this thread. But, most of what people tell you about calling Coyotes is BULL SHIT.......... Coyotes are not mythical animals. If I find a good spot I call it no matter which way the wind is blowing. I actualy preferr to call lookin down wind. A Coyote like most every other dog in the world will circle down wind to use there sense of smell to help locate their food. As far as scent control don't even worry about it. They can tell what you ate last week.
The Myth Busters did a show on scent and after Jamie showered and put on a couple layers of plastic head to toe and covered his face, the dog still found him.

Camo is your choice some say it is not needed some do. I have called in many Coyotes with a Camo shirt, Blue Jeans, a Hat and no face cover.

The reason why most people have a problem calling Coyotes is because everyone and their Grandmother hunt Coyotes now 365 days a year. I will bet you there is not a Newborn Coyote in May that hasn't heard the sound of someone calling by the end of Oct....

Here is a story of this Coyote.

My wife and I pulled into our spot and un loaded our quads. We made all kinds of noise. We took off down the road and not two hundred yards from us a Coyote ran across the road and I could not get stopped in time to shoot it before it got out of sight. We wnt about a half mile to a spot I always call. We started calling and a little over a thousand yards away we could hear and see some guys Chuckar hunting on a hill. We called for 15 min and as I was getting ready to pick up my stuff when three people went buy on quads not more than 50 yards behind us. I got up and my Wife said there is a Coyote. I asked here where and she pointed in the direction. I sit back down and started calling again and after about five minutes I see the Coyote standing out front of us at about a hundred and fifty yards. To this day I feel it was the Coyote that ran across the road.

Yotes are NOT color blind so camo is a must!! Check into ghillie suits. i hunt out in the open prarie and ghillie suits or blinds are a must.

I also call for no more than 30 minutes before I pick a new place. that just what I do though. No proven theory behind it, just good results.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ovrmydeadbdy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yotes are NOT color blind so camo is a must!! Check into ghillie suits. i hunt out in the open prarie and ghillie suits or blinds are a must.

I also call for no more than 30 minutes before I pick a new place. that just what I do though. No proven theory behind it, just good results.</div></div>

coyotes are Red-Green color blind. They are more sensitive to movement than humans.

The most important thing is to wear something that breaks up your pattern and sit still.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: PGS</div><div class="ubbcode-body">...coyotes are in a class by themselves. They are the most intellegent and complex animal...maybe in the entire world. </div></div>

I would agree, especially those that get hunted. I've seen them be fooled once and behave in text book fashion but if you miss they are never the same animal again. Same goes for trying to trap them. Sometimes all the tricks in the bag don't work.

They can be a very cunning beast....I would think a wolf would be similar.

You are going to hear a lot of advice on hunting Coyote . & It's all personal preferences of the guys hunting .

' Except ' this Fact . Always remember that the biggest Pro/Con . That is working for you & Against you . Is the Coyotes Ears & Hearing . & That Is what you Are Working , when Calling for the shot .

That Is the coyotes biggest working tool he uses , He Can 3-D ( Direction/vector-in ) to a living-room size spot. The location that you are calling from with his 2 Ears that is located between his Brain . Even when he is hearing the call from Very long distance away . Or when hearing a mouse scramble in the grass @ 20 ft. away .

You'll fool a coyote's eyes & ears a thousand times over before you ever fool that nose. We fool their ears with every call we make and fool their eyes with a decoy as trivial as a turkey feather. When you figure out how to fool a coyote's nose, I'll eat the backstrap outta one!
Wind, wind, wind & wind. Approach so they can't smell ya and set up so you'll have a shot opportunity before they get to your scent cone downwind of your calling position. This has been beaten into my brain by some very serious coyote murderers. Everything else comes in a distant 2nd, far as calling coyotes goes...

Good luck & have fun!

Wind Wind Wind ???
OK . got a Question . You Coyote Backstrap eater .
If ' You ' can't Fool there Nose & Hunting Up-wind & out of there sense of smell is so Important .

Why do I kill the majority of my Coyotes @ under 50 yrd. in the dark ?

I rarely ever worry about Wind Directions . ( In The Dark ) I am limiting there major alarm too 2 things . Smell & Hearing . So looks to me that you are wrong .

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: knockemdown</div><div class="ubbcode-body">You'll fool a coyote's eyes & ears a thousand times over before you ever fool that nose. We fool their ears with every call we make and fool their eyes with a decoy as trivial as a turkey feather. When you figure out how to fool a coyote's nose, I'll eat the backstrap outta one!
Wind, wind, wind & wind. Approach so they can't smell ya and set up so you'll have a shot opportunity before they get to your scent cone downwind of your calling position. This has been beaten into my brain by some very serious coyote murderers. Everything else comes in a distant 2nd, far as calling coyotes goes...



Good luck & have fun! </div></div>

I would say this: Go in quietly, don't slam the truck doors, don't break or step on dead branches and this!!! When you quietly set up and before you ever turn on that call, be ready to pull the trigger.

It seems that if you turn on the call and still are movin around, and have not loaded the rifle yet, as soon as you turn around there will be one standing near watching you and you will never get a shot.

So before you hit the yellow button to start the call, have a round in the chamber!

Just sayin,

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: FALex</div><div class="ubbcode-body">hey folks, after much ado, I finally obtained my hunting license. I really want to go out after coyotes. I know they are pretty prevalent here in my area, but I have a couple of questions: 1) what time(s) are they most active? 2) Do you just get to a spot, set up your gear, call em' in and wait? 3) Any particular information you believe a first time hunter could use? 4) Anything else??? Anything would be greatly appreciated. My friend is letting me use a Johnny Stewart Coyote calling device...thanks! </div></div>

Most important is to get out there and let the coyotes be the teacher. As to your questions:

1)Depends on a lot of things, but usually pre-dawn, dawn, and early morning
2)Sort of, that's how you would start... but it's usually not that simple.
3) & 4)...

- Holding very still is the best camo, keep your hands and arms inside of your body sillouette
- Just because a coyote looks right at you doesn't mean that he has busted you... sometimes they see you but don't what you are... sometimes if you coax them, they'll keep coming in
- Wind direction is not as important as having visibility down wind
- Best time of year is August through October... worst is February through May
- Don't get too hung up on the sound... you don't need an electronic call to be sucessful
- Choose visibility over cover if you can't have both
- Location is #1 priority (as in hunt where there are lots of coyotes and some chance of unpressured coyotes)
- Set up is #2 priority... (as in where you park, how you approach, where you set up, which direction you face, how you cover your downwind, etc)
- Stand discipline is #3 priority (Holding still, being quiet, paying attention)
- Stand length is a personal choice, but in my experience most have came in between 3 and 8 minutes. I usually stay 15 minutes.

---- Just remember to stick at it and pay attention... if you do, it will happen eventually.

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: softcock</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Wind Wind Wind ???
OK . got a Question . You Coyote Backstrap eater .
If ' You ' can't Fool there Nose & Hunting Up-wind & out of there sense of smell is so Important .

Why do I kill the majority of my Coyotes @ under 50 yrd. in the dark ?

I rarely ever worry about Wind Directions . ( In The Dark ) I am limiting there major alarm too 2 things . Smell & Hearing . So looks to me that you are wrong .

First off, I was keeping my opinions within the context of daytime setups.

Regarding your night stands, I think it's safe to say that the coyotes you DID kill never smelled you, or they'd never have gotten dead by your hand. Those were GOOD setups.
But seeing as you pay no attention to the wind at night, sooner or later you are going to set up where they ain't gonna whiff ya.
Also, coyotes are MUCH more bold at night and simply don't circle to the wind as much as during the day. Lots of times, they'll charge right to the call, emboldened by the cover of darkness...
However, that doesn't mean they don't SMELL you, that just means they were UPWIND of you the whole time...

Successes aside, try to not focus on the coyotes you DO kill, and think for a minute about all the coyotes you DON'T kill because they smelled you & boogered before you even saw them.
Very hard to tell at night, but I'll pretty much guarantee you that it's happening 'cause coyotes don't stop smelling once the Sun sets...

By all means, keep doing what your doing.
If you think I'm wrong, then I'm wrong...

happy hunting!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: softcock</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Wind Wind Wind ???
OK . got a Question . You Coyote Backstrap eater .
If ' You ' can't Fool there Nose & Hunting Up-wind & out of there sense of smell is so Important .

Why do I kill the majority of my Coyotes @ under 50 yrd. in the dark ?

I rarely ever worry about Wind Directions . ( In The Dark ) I am limiting there major alarm too 2 things . Smell & Hearing . So looks to me that you are wrong .


It's legal to spotlight in Portland, or Oregon in general?

Oregon states pretty clear that you are Not to use any Spotlight that is attached or shined from inside a motor vehicle on State BLM land . Except for All Private & Agriculture property .
For State/BLM land & Night hunting, only real legal animals to hunt on Oregon BLM with Artificial Light is Raccoon, Bobcat. Possum . but You are Not suppose to hunt Coyotes on BLM @ Night . <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-size: 11pt">Oregon Only wants you to kill Coyotes in the Sunlight on BLM</span> .</span>
You can Kill ( Day & Night ) & use Artificial & Spotlight @ Night on all Private & Agriculture for , Predator animals like ( Coyotes ), rabbits, raccoon, nutria, rodents, and feral swine which *( OK, I Luv These next 3 Words )* ... <span style="font-weight: bold">( 'ARE OR' & 'May' )</span> be destructive to agricultural crops. <span style="font-weight: bold">Therefore these animals have No closed season, bag limit or weapons restriction.</span>

Oregon is clear on the Spotlighting from motor Vehicle, but it is stated so vague that it is ' Blanket ' scary .
say's : ( Cast an artificial light from a motor vehicle while in possession of a weapon ) .
So Vague ' Intent ' can possibly be thrown upon you @ anytime, if the mood Strikes . When you are inside a motor vehicle that is Parked or Moving & on Oregon Rural while looking & Gazing Visually @ ANYTHING with a flashlight or spotlight out the vehicle door or window . & you have ANY form of weapon in you vehicle or possession & even that is ( OR. licensed Concealed Carry ) .

To Add : Ok, ( Not saying this is my 'personal practice' ) But
( imho ) , I feel that any Coyote is pretty much open season to getting a trigger pulled on it @ Anytime, Anywhere, Day or Night . & I Don't Care Who shoots them .

There are many of us on here that will give you all kinds of advice. Read books, practice and patience, videos. I myself like to watch videos. Some will not give you any tips.
Know the wind, hunt smart, and be sure to sit still. When you turn your call off, don't just vet up, there might be one makin his way in.

Have fun and shoot straight.

Oh, and please post some pictures of your kills.