Not sure about classes, but youd do well to at least know some basics for SUT as well as F&M. The class will only have some much time, and you dont want tl spend it wasted on learning shit you could have figured out before you got there.
Gear set up with that in mind will help. Youll need to shake it all out before you go wasting time picking up half your tacticool battle belt shit off the floor between drills. Dont worry about the gear and equipment past getting time with it as itll perpetually evolve. Figure out what you need individually, and how to scale it.
Whats your comms setup for each guy and whats your comms plan? Whats your audible/inaudible plan?
Whats your weapons need, ammo redundancy? Are 2 of you using a AR, 1 has an SKS, another a fucking FAL and someone else has a fucking deer rifle because they wanna be 'overwatch'?
Whats your mission? Who/what do you think youll encounter? Why are you even out there?
How much actual medical/trauma focused experience/education does everyone have? (CLS, TCCC, etc), and dont give me that bullshit about how one guy is your `medic`. I put 2 rounds in his face, then what?
Who is in charge? You have 5 or 6 of you. You take fire. Who is without question in charge. Nothing is more fucking useless than something happening and then have 1 guy freeze, 1 guy just randomly shooting at whatever, 1 wanting to run off, 1 wanting to run at the incoming fire and no one knowing WTF the plan is. And then even if there was a plan, or a decision had to be made, you have half the guys questioning it or not sure if thats what is going on. You need 1 guy, and 1 only to the point that be says 2 guys flank left, the only question is who is in the best position to do so and who now needs to cover the flank theyre leaving open. But it cant just be the `loudest` guy who wants to be in charge. You need to figure it out and make sure everyone is on board all of the time. #1 aspect of my guys absolutely wrecking other squads was a lack of leadership and cohesion when getting shot at. Who do you want to make a decision between assaulting a position and breaking contact if the difference is being dead or not?
How in shape is everyone? The fatties will be a huge burden.
Whats your vehicle plan? Theres about 50000 vehicle scenarios. I doubt youll need to learn about blocking msnuevers and convoy interdiction via helicopter, so we will stay away from that.
If you dont even remotely have the answers for these questions, a class is putting the cart infront of the horse, assuming its an actual SUT class and not just carbine or shooting related.
Its also not just getting on a skirmish line, sceaming GO! at each other either. I could teach you all of the basics involved in reacting to contact and F/M as a squad in 20 minutes. You can make it as simple or as complicated as you want. The class will show you the fact theres 10 different decisions to be made at any time and hopefully get you to ask why. Basics before class, then theres a good reading list I can give you to even start to grasp that its more than return fire and move; because if thats what youre under the impression SUT is, youre not going to have a good time.
Or come to Utah, contemplate life decisions while being berated about how you got to this point via a mix of being poor and horrible genetics while digging ditches and making sure to not get me dusty while Im supervising from my beach chair and umbrella while randomly throwing things at you and drilling you on random scenarios that have no right answer. Im pretty sure I charge less for this service than the classes youve looked at. You can ask
@THEIS about my wonderful credentials and street cred ?