Help Repeal Veteran Gun Ban | GOA
Help us repeal a gun control law that’s disarmed 250,000 Americans What you do right now could make a difference for millions of future veterans, and maybe millions of civilian gun owners. But time is running out for you to act, Michael. Please go here right now to tell your Congressman and...
The fact of the matter is that some people are a danger to themselves and others when they're suffering from mental health problems, and they probably should not keep a firearm handy. That said, this is the most ham fisted, ridiculous, counterproductive thing I can think of. This is just another way for our enemies in Congress to shit on veterans even more than they already do.
If I was a veteran and needed mental health help this would completely prevent me from seeking it AT ALL. I wouldn't go near the VA or government affiliated office if it put my guns and rights at risk. Not that this would withstand ANY constitutional scrutiny, but those evil fuckers will pass it anyway. True fifth column shit.