OK, serious question time. I ask in "good faith," and I trust all of you will resist the urge to react to that "snark-o-meter."
One of the chief complaints I get from liberals about "conservatives" (aside from us all being "gun toting dumb asses that just want to hunt all the time," etc.),
is that there aren't very many "creative" conservatives. And by "creative," I mean people who excel in the "Arts," "Drama," "music" (other than country/western), intellectual pursuits like Science, Economics (well, we do have Thomas Sowell), Medicine (but we do have Ben Carson), Legal/Law (where we have Clarence Thomas), etc. etc. I would add others I've come to know and admire, but I don't know if they're actually liberal or conservative.
I want to prove the libtards wrong! I want to show them that there just as many (if not more) creative conservatives out there. For example, in re: the "Arts," (painting/design), we have Jack Phillips of "Masterpeice Bakery." He actually does some fantastic cake designs. Or, perhaps, all of the actors in Hollywood that have to stay "closeted" lest they get blacklisted because of the libs that control Hollywood. And, in re: Heavy Rock Music we have "Uncle Ted", of course. The libs seem to believe that "liberalism" is better because it fosters more "creative freedom." I'm not down with that at all. I think we are just as creative. We can be just as academically intelligent, as artistic etc. etc. as those who call themselves liberals and think that anyone that isn't one of them is dumb, racist, etc. etc. .
I recall watching a college Football "halftime" show that was broadcast on TV. It was the Univ. of Michigan vs. Brown Univ. and featured the Marching bands of both schools. The Univ. of Michigan band took the show totally seriously as I know they would, having gone to one of their competitor schools in the Big 10 and witnessing both the band and the football team trounce ours).
They did 3-4 solid numbers with precise formations, etc. etc. as any school that takes Marching bands seriously would (as did my school). The "Brown" marching band, realizing that they were just simply "outnumbered and outclassed," decided to take the "creative" approach and make a humerous "farce" out of the event (i.e. not even playing anything serious, but what would look "creative" to a liberal). The Brown "narrator" saying things like, "Watch while the parents of Brown students go "baaaroque" (i.e "broke" due to the tuition costs being the double entendre). Even the TV commentator had to remark as to the reaction by the Michigan band members and their utter disgust. Rule #1, you do not "dis" a Big 10 marching band like that. You just don't. But, I guess it was their (Brown's band) attempt at being "creative." It failed, miserably.
Anyway, I want to put together a list of "creative conservatives." People who are just as creative artistically, intellectually, etc. etc. but are also "conservatives." I mean, the only real differences between libs and conservatives is our beliefs on the level of govt. in our lives, fiscal policies, the degree of religion in our lives and our senses of "right vs. wrong." Conservatives seem to want to "play by the rules" more often, and Liberals seem to think it OK to break the rules if it gives them an advantage. Other than that, we could be just the same, intelelctually, creatively, artiistically, etc.
Who, then, are some of your favorite "Creative conservatives?"
One of the chief complaints I get from liberals about "conservatives" (aside from us all being "gun toting dumb asses that just want to hunt all the time," etc.),
I want to prove the libtards wrong! I want to show them that there just as many (if not more) creative conservatives out there. For example, in re: the "Arts," (painting/design), we have Jack Phillips of "Masterpeice Bakery." He actually does some fantastic cake designs. Or, perhaps, all of the actors in Hollywood that have to stay "closeted" lest they get blacklisted because of the libs that control Hollywood. And, in re: Heavy Rock Music we have "Uncle Ted", of course. The libs seem to believe that "liberalism" is better because it fosters more "creative freedom." I'm not down with that at all. I think we are just as creative. We can be just as academically intelligent, as artistic etc. etc. as those who call themselves liberals and think that anyone that isn't one of them is dumb, racist, etc. etc. .
I recall watching a college Football "halftime" show that was broadcast on TV. It was the Univ. of Michigan vs. Brown Univ. and featured the Marching bands of both schools. The Univ. of Michigan band took the show totally seriously as I know they would, having gone to one of their competitor schools in the Big 10 and witnessing both the band and the football team trounce ours).
Anyway, I want to put together a list of "creative conservatives." People who are just as creative artistically, intellectually, etc. etc. but are also "conservatives." I mean, the only real differences between libs and conservatives is our beliefs on the level of govt. in our lives, fiscal policies, the degree of religion in our lives and our senses of "right vs. wrong." Conservatives seem to want to "play by the rules" more often, and Liberals seem to think it OK to break the rules if it gives them an advantage. Other than that, we could be just the same, intelelctually, creatively, artiistically, etc.
Who, then, are some of your favorite "Creative conservatives?"