Compass Lake carries/offers Criterion as a option.. that tells me all I need to know about them being up to snuff. IMO they really stand out in the chrome lined arena, AFAIK the only other CL barrels that could claim the title of "match grade" were Denny's Operator barrels that were Rock Creek blanks which had been CL'd and they're no longer produced. Noveske CHF, DD, Colt SOCOM, Green Mountain, etc make a good showing of themselves but if I wanting the most accurate CL tube then it's gonna be a hand lapped Criterion without thinking twice. They also kinda have a stranglehold on the Vintage Service Rifle arena as well, CMP uses them exclusively and by all accounts not even the original Nat'l Match M1 NM/1903 NM/M14NM barrels hold a candle to Criterion's standard replacements.