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Crooked Cops, Crooked Rangers and Crooked Attorneys


Four Star General
Full Member
  • Mar 8, 2018
    Here's a big shout out to our brethren in Texas. More specifically Nacogdoches, Texas.

    Don't watch the video if you don't like getting pissed off. I had some dealings in Nacogdoches a long time ago. More specifically, with John Fleming, the County Attorney.

    You will note his appearance in the video several times. He's as sleazy as they come. It's nice to see him in some hot water for a change. It will be even nicer to see him behind bars.

    BTW, I like Texas and spent many years in that great state. However, Nacogdoches is a place I stay clear of.

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    The only ranger I knew was a punk. Started out as a small town cop with a big adams apple and Baney Fife complex. Got wounded and parlayed that into a job with the rangers. He smoked alot of dope in high school and would throw tantrums if you laughed at him.
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    To throw fuel on the fire - officer Kruger formerly of Austin PD - until he beat an old lady nearly to death for not moving fast enough- some may remember her name was Carolina Gardener

    Anyhow now old Ike Kruger is with Fort Worth PD and likes to pull guns on Jay walkers - And what’s worse the 6 or 7 assholes working with him were fine with muting body cams for 4 minutes to come up with a lie as to why Kruger pulled a gun on someone and then tortured them for no reason .

    Maybe they want to hang with him
    For their chance to beat up an old lady .

    To throw fuel on the fire - officer Kruger formerly of Austin PD - until he beat an old lady nearly to death for not moving fast enough- some may remember her name was Carolina Gardener

    Anyhow now old Ike Kruger is with Fort Worth PD and likes to pull guns on Jay walkers - And what’s worse the 6 or 7 assholes working with him were fine with muting body cams for 4 minutes to come up with a lie as to why Kruger pulled a gun on someone and then tortured them for no reason .

    Maybe they want to hang with him
    For their chance to beat up an old lady .

    One point that was made by the narrator was that the police keep making the arrests on bogus charges despite getting kicked out of court by the judges.

    They keep making the arrests because they are never punished for their wrongful behavior. If they had to pay money out of their own pockets or spend time behind bars they would think twice before lying again.
    One point that was made by the narrator was that the police keep making the arrests on bogus charges despite getting kicked out of court by the judges.

    They keep making the arrests because they are never punished for their wrongful behavior. If they had to pay money out of their own pockets or spend time behind bars they would think twice before lying again.
    How about decertify them so they can't be tyrants. Which is a nice word for piece of shit asshole with a Napoleon complex

    To throw fuel on the fire - officer Kruger formerly of Austin PD - until he beat an old lady nearly to death for not moving fast enough- some may remember her name was Carolina Gardener

    Anyhow now old Ike Kruger is with Fort Worth PD and likes to pull guns on Jay walkers - And what’s worse the 6 or 7 assholes working with him were fine with muting body cams for 4 minutes to come up with a lie as to why Kruger pulled a gun on someone and then tortured them for no reason .

    Maybe they want to hang with him
    For their chance to beat up an old lady .

    I’m beginning to think all police departments are bad police departments.
    I’m beginning to think all police departments are bad police departments.
    If you think about it, nearly all professions consist of just 10% of the workforce doing about 90% of the quality work. The rest are just there for the ride and retirement check. The 10% that are doing the right thing will never be able to correct the 90% that shouldn't be there.
    Pretty much defeats the purpose of them having to wear them. The option should not be available
    Only one state -New Mexico has a law that prevents police from turning off or muting body worn cameras.

    But the rub is there is no penalty for doing so - the law calls for administrative action /training if some does turn it off or mute it..,

    Other states like KY and MI allowed them to be turned off or muted at officer discretion.
    Most other states - it was all just show and they could care less if they get turned off .

    It makes the appalling and illegal and violent behavior caught on camer all the more disturbing- They could just turn it off and face no consequences. But they have so few fucks to give and so little fear of consequences or respect for citizens that they do shit like beat old ladies and and stick guns in peoples faces while actively recording themselves.
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    If you think about it, nearly all professions consist of just 10% of the workforce doing about 90% of the quality work. The rest are just there for the ride and retirement check. The 10% that are doing the right thing will never be able to correct the 90% that shouldn't be there.
    Where is this 10% you speak of? I have yet to see them.
    One of these days ,these asshats will do this shit to a Marvin Heemyer and will not live to regret it , we need more Marvin Heemyer's.marvins only mistake was he didn't kill any of the bastards that fucked him over.
    Actually he made 2 mistakes- #2 - he didn’t realize the hardware store had a basement . He still had 3/4 of his fuel when he got stuck
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    And let’s not forget New Mexico- these two deputies were allowed to keep working after tipping off meth and fentanyl dealers to coming DEA raids - From 2021 till about three weeks ago .

    Wore the badge carried the gun collected the revenue and earned the pension while being under federal investigation for working for drug traffickers!!!!

    Absolutely fantastic- !
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