Rifle Scopes Current NF NX8’s


Sergeant USMC
Full Member
  • Jun 2, 2014
    A few years ago when the NX8’s first came out I bought a 4-32. Between the IQ and turrets I just couldn’t fall in love with it so I sold it and moved on. Fast forward to now, I put together a fairly lightweight 7prc for this years elk hunt and I’m torn between another mk5 or giving the NX8 another shot. Question is this, are the current manufactured NX8’s better than the earlier ones? I’ve read that there where some growing pains that have since been sorted out and the the NX8’s are now considered a decent optic. What are your opinions and experiences?
    I will say, that for the 1-8 anyways, it’s night and day better for a current one than one from years ago. Like shockingly better.
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    I recently bought a 4-32 to put on a lighter weight/hunting build 6.5PRC and I thought it’s a great scope. I was pleasantly surprised, especially if you can get them at a discount like EV.

    I just purchased an Sig Cross through Straight Jacket and was considering a Mark 5 to put on it, but at higher prices than the NX8 I’m not sure about that. Would like to look through a Mark 5 5-25 to compare to.
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