From what I remember, a lot of the gen changes in the atx were chassis changes. Could be wrong though. The base action in the atx has been around a long time until the atxc.
I have both an impact and AIs. My match rifle is an impact because shooting a foundation stock is just pure fun. I can also use a truck axle on the foundation where it gets a little tight in an atx chassis.
Perhaps I am shooting the wrong matches, but every PRS/Outlaw match I’ve shot has been very “easy” on gear environmentally. Something like mammoth/NASTI where there is a greater physical component closer to “field” use is not the same as barricade benchrest.
What failures are you seeing deadlining AIs with such high frequencies that are not causing failures in other guns?
There are internal changes too.
There are guys who post on this site in the AI picture thread with AI failures they don't talk about. I personally know 2 of them. It doesn't get called out but it happens. That's the difference between what you read on the internet and what you see out in the field.
I got blasted a few years ago on here for calling them out so no need to rehash it. People get super defensive when you start to break down their belief structures and no amount of reason, logic and common sense will change that.
A match like mammoth does not put any more wear and tear on a rifle than a PRS match. No one is jumping the guns into the arctic. They aren't chucking their gun down a canyon. Its the environmental that really stress the guns. Rain, Dirt, Snow, Ice. Moisture causing high pressure events resulting in parts failure or a siezed gun. A bunch of dust and dirt getting into the action/trigger causing missfeeds or trigger failures. Then you get into small parts failure. Nothing I have seen says AI makes more reliable/durrable small parts than the other manufactures. In fact, I have seen the opposite. When you pair factory ammo that could be all over the place with these guns, you get another increases variable of failure. Its usualy a combination of things, not just one.
When it comes to a gun, simpler is better and less moving and small parts to break the better IMO. Its why the modern 700 clones with current feature set are so damn reliable when paired with a good trigger and chassis. A broken trigger or firing assembly failure (almost never happens with normal loads even in bad weather) is the most likely failure. Some idiots will also have pressure issues, but that's not the fault of the gun. They load hot and then when the weather changes they run into issues. I 100% mark that as user error no matter the platform.
Factory guns are fleet rifles. When you need a few dozen to a few thousand rifles you buy a factory gun. You buy the maintance kits and spare parts. You train armorers to a basic standard to swap out parts. That is the benefit of something like an AI or MRAD or Cadex.
For an individual, there is virtually no advantage to buying a fleet gun, especially when they end up costing significantly more than a full semi/custom that will perform just as well, give you much more options for fit out and in many cases be easier to shoot. Replacement parts and consumables are also much cheaper for the end user. Go look at what a spare bolt for an AI vs an Impact/terminus/Lone Peak costs. Its twice as much, and good luck getting something like a .223 bolt for training.
Most of the people running AI's at matches and the like are not your high quality shooters. There are a few out there but by large they are the lower rung of shooters. Take a class, and same thing. Its a prestige thing. People think they are some pinnacle rifle , which may have been the case 20+ years ago. We all heard it over the years. You need an AI, S&B and FGMM 168. LOL. There was a time when the Ford Model T was also the pinnace of automobilies.