Cutting barrel length


Jun 4, 2009
I have a .308 Remington 700 5R and I would like to know if anyone here has experience with cutting the barrel length. I would like to drop 6” off to better fit my suppressor, but I want to know what I should expect to lose as far as accuracy at 200-300 yds?
Re: Cutting barrel length

Glancing into my "Crystal Accuracy Ball" has determined that if you cut that 6" off with a hacksaw, and re-crown the barrel with a rusty router bit, you won't hit a pie tin @ 200 yds.

However, if you professionally have it cut and recrowned, plus sacrifice a chicken to the "accuracy gods", all will be restored, and may even get better.......

Re: Cutting barrel length

You'll see a velocity loss with factory-loaded ammo, but with neck-sized brass and a relatively fast-burning powder, the short barrel won't hurt you. You will also likely find increased accuracy due to the decreased barrel whip of the shorter barrel which tends to be more rigid.

As has been said, be sure to get it properly crowned. Honestly you could cut the barrel off with a hacksaw, and as long as it gets a good crown after that, it will be fine.

Re: Cutting barrel length

I recently hacksawed 2 1/2" off a badly rusted 700, 270 barrel because it had an oversized area about 1 1/2" from the end you could feel with a cleaning patch on a jag. I filed it somewhat square and recrowned it with a steel ball and fine valve lapping compound. I also did some other work and when done, it shot two back to back 0.6" five shot groups at 100yds. I guess it didn't know I was not suppose to be able to do that.

This rifle is a piece of junk I bought for $150 just for the action and decided I would play around a little, which included pillar post bedding the action and free floating the barrel, some lapping of the barrel to smooth the rust out along with taking a hacksaw to the barrel.
Re: Cutting barrel length

You shouldn't loose any accuracy at all. I think sometimes the Suppressed rifle shoots better becouse of the bleeding off of the gasses from behind the bullet and I think it helps calm down the barrel whip. You will like it alot!

Good luck,


Jamie Dodson
Wolf Precision