Cutting Case Foam


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  • Jan 7, 2020
    I recently cut my cases foam with a pocket knife. Left it with pretty jagged cuts. What is the best tool to use to cut out foam to fit your rifle and gear snuggly in the case?
    Plenty of reading material to go through.

    This was done with a pocket knife just fine...using a up and down sawing motion.
    If you have an old toaster you can do without you can turn the nichrome wire into a hot knife. If you have a cheap pistol grip soldering gun, it's even better, professional almost. You can also fasten the nichrome to a knife blade and power that. Just be careful/safe fucking with heat and electricity.

    When I got my Mk20, the box it came in has the foam cut to fit a hard case. Now that's smart, they all should do this.

    Personally I just wrap 'em in a blanket and throw 'em behind the seat. I have a few cases for travel or mail but almost never use 'em.
    I soak mine in water, ring them out a bit and throw it in the freezer.
    Perfect cuts
    I would suggest as the weather gets colder lay the foam outside to and let it harden from the cold first. It does make the cuts easier. I use a hot wire cutter I got from Amazon several years ago. Just take your time make sure you leave finger grooves to remove things easier.

    I drew out my pattern with a sharpie and used a snap off blade stye, utility knife. It worked great till the blade got a little dull and I started "sawing" at it. Even then, it worked good.
    I went with the classic fish filet knife. Worked very well.
    My choice for years also. Works great. But also I am the handy guy who went to art school knows how to cut things, etc. so end up doing this not just for myself, but assigned it by my friends, etc. Have reproduced lines of foam for several cases, sometimes because surplus stuff is old, sometimes people are jackholes and leave the (big old school gas-cooled) thermal case open on a rainy night, don't tell me for a week :mad:

    Fillet knife is good as it's very thin, very sharp, and long. Many other systems end up cutting in multiple passes, or squishing the foam first. Pay attention to the curve of the blade and your angle to get neat, straight lines.

    And yeah, never freehand. Draw it out first. Probably just in Sharpie on the BOTTOM so no one sees the lines when done. Use a ruler. Measure twice, and all that.

    If you want to make deeper cuts yet, or make a blind space such as a bottom that things can't get under, then assemble from parts. Stack the foam, plan and glue. Yes, most glues will melt foams so get some Camie 303 (that's a brand and model) spray adhesive for foams. There may be others, but that's what I use.

    Most foam is compliant, so you can generally get away with ignoring curves if you plan ahead at all.