Cutting Edge sought a partner to produce ready-to-go ammo with the CE bullets. Apparently that effort has not yet been successful, so the alternative is to supply the bullets and primed casings separately. A reloading kit will put them together with the appropriate powder. Cutting Edge expects these to be ready for shipment in "early February".
Cutting Edge does not say anything about the primed casings, the quality of which are critical to producing consistent ammo. Are the primed casings the same as those available from FedArms? Is FedArms the only commercially availabe source for primed .22LR casings? .22LR Primed New Casings (2,000 ct pack) | FedArm
Primed casings, Cutting Edge bullets, powder (purchased separately), and the CE reloading die (shown below) will get a .22LR reloader started.
According to the Cutting Edge pdf "22LR Reloading Instructions" it's necessary to have other equipmentfor better reloading results:
It is our recommendation that the reloader purchase an additional reloading press so both dies can be set up at the same time since seating and crimping is required on every round. The use of some type of progressive reloading press works well for loading 22lr.
Consistent crimping is crucial to consistent ammo.
Start with a light crimp and increase the amount of crimp to hold the bullet securely and also produce tight velocityspreads. Getting the right amount of crimp will require some trial and error incombination with charge deviations. The tighter the crimp, the higher the velocity.
This sounds a little easier said than done. Are there any reliable results of reloaded Cutting Edge ammo performance?
Vihtavuori 3n37 is what is currently listed on their load data. A buddy of mine that preordered messaged them yesterday to see if there are any others with powders of any kind being so hard to find right now. Below was their response.
"We are finalizing a list of about a dozen powders we’ve been testing for the 22LR release. As soon as we have it finished we will likely send it out to everyone who has ordered so far. Just want to be sure we have everything covered before we send it!"