CZ 457 Varmint MTR - Bore Tech cleaning rod length info needed


Full Member
Apr 3, 2008
I have a CZ 457 Varmint MTR on order and it should arrive in a couple of weeks. Because I don’t have the rifle in hand - I am unable to use Bore Tech’s website to determine the length of cleaning rod needed.

Is anyone running a 457 Varmint MTR with a Bore tech Bore guide and Bore Tech cleaning rod?… if so, why length of cleaning rod are you using?
I was able to get a hold of Boretech & there were several reasons that they gave me... which lead me to the 40"

1) I am also using one of their bore patch guides
2) and if you ever get a tight patch near the end of the barrel... it's best not to have a cleaning rod "Just" long enough.

Figure if I trust their product - I should trust their advice.
Thank you both for chiming in! Cheers