I'd recommend getting a regular P-10F Optics Ready and doing nothing to the trigger. I'd just add an HBI extended magazine release to it.
The HBI trigger doesn't do anything to improve the feel of the trigger or how it breaks. To improve that you need to tear it down and polish the shit out of all the contact surfaces on the trigger bar, sear, and disconnector just like you would on any striker-fired pistol.
The dingus (trigger safety) on P-10s has a rather large tab behind the trigger (the triangular portion that blocks trigger movement until you depress the safety). If you have fingers on the short side, there will come a time when you won't get enough finger to depress the trigger safety enough to disengage it. An Apex Tactical or HBI trigger fixes that. If your fingers are on the long side (index finger > 3") you won't need an aftermarket trigger blade.
None of the other gimmicks that you pay for with a P-10F CR is worth the money because they don't make the pistol shoot any better. And in fact, most range reports I've read the extended slide release is so huge that most people end up disabling with with their normal grip.
My advice is worth what you pay for it, but I've been using the P-10 for competition on and off for the last two years. I've moved away from it because the P-09 fits my hands/points much more naturally for me and I much prefer DA/SA pistols.