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CZ455 Ammo - what shoots best for you


E1 Non-Swimmer
Aug 12, 2018
Curious as to what ammo shoots best in your CZ 455. Trying to come up with a list to test in two separate actions. Realizing that variations lot to lot can make a big difference.

Have spent a good bit of time going through the various threads and it seems like the most popular/common is:

Lapua Center - X
Eley Tennex

What do you think?
Curious as to what ammo shoots best in your CZ 455. Trying to come up with a list to test in two separate actions. Realizing that variations lot to lot can make a big difference.

Have spent a good bit of time going through the various threads and it seems like the most popular/common is:

Lapua Center - X
Eley Tennex

What do you think?

In my factory Tacticool barrel Federal Gold Medal Match 922B shot the best from 50 - 400yds.
Due to the methods used in the manufacture of rimfire, there is no best brand.
Some days best results are with Lapua, the next will be Eley or RWS.
Then there's days when SK kicks butt or CCI gets lucky with a run of 17 hmr.
Get a batch with minimal cartridge defects, results will be amazing.
Tight muzzle velocities and similar trajectories produce tight groups.
Next box from the same maker will show irregular brass, sloppy bullet seating,
asymmetric bullets and major variations in mv due to primer amounts.
I've been testing at 200 yards from my 455's, 50 shots across a chronograph.
The biathlon labeled 22lr does well as did the upper grades of Eley, RWS and Lapua.
SK is decent with the Biathlon Sport doing surprisingly well.

Compare the results and chronograph numbers for y'erself...

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i've had good luck with Eley Force for NRL22 style matches and I know 2 or 3 other guys use it as well. one of them has won several matches with it

i think some of it boils down to what distances you are going to shoot and what is YOUR acceptable level of accuracy. i know i couldn't hit the smallest target on a KYL rack even with the best lot of the best ammo on the market shooting out of a vudoo so i'm good with right around 1 MOA for my ammo (unless the targets get less forgiving in size)
My 24” barreled trainer seems to like the lighter stuff for some reason: I’ve gotten great groups out of multiple boxes of 32 and 30 grain ammo. 40s still shoot just fine, but the lighter/faster stuff does seem preferred.

My American in .17 seems to really like the Savage A17 ammo that runs an additional 100fps, and that’s also tested over multiple boxes.

Can’t explain either, sample size of one.
I’ve only had mine a short while so I don’t have a large sample size
I will say that ELEY Club shoots way better than their subsonic in my rifle. Groups the subs are twice the size of the Club.
I have some Tenex I haven’t shot yet and plan to try some Lapua and SK
Due to the methods used in the manufacture of rimfire, there is no best brand.
Some days best results are with Lapua, the next will be Eley or RWS.
Then there's days when SK kicks butt or CCI gets lucky with a run of 17 hmr.
Get a batch with minimal cartridge defects, results will be amazing.
Tight muzzle velocities and similar trajectories produce tight groups.
Next box from the same maker will show irregular brass, sloppy bullet seating,
asymmetric bullets and major variations in mv due to primer amounts.
I've been testing at 200 yards from my 455's, 50 shots across a chronograph.
The biathlon labeled 22lr does well as did the upper grades of Eley, RWS and Lapua.
SK is decent with the Biathlon Sport doing surprisingly well.

Compare the results and chronograph numbers for y'erself...

Wow, the RFC link was chock full of great info! Appreciate you sharing that ….. thank you.
Fed AutoMatch? The cartridges packed loose in the box? Bulk 22lr?

Jumping carp crap! I'm thinking you've used up y'er ammo luck for this year.
Chances of getting a good batch of Federal made 22lr is slim.
Federal contracts out it's match ammo to RWS in Germany.
The rest of the line made in the US usually won't do well except at close range, 25 yards or less.
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Yes. The 325 round box. This is the first shots out of it at 30 yards. I didn’t know back then about leading a barrel or at least running a patch through between different Ammo. It’s the only target I could find a pic of. You’re looking at the first 80 rounds through the rifle. I later, after getting better at shooting, put up four, five shot groups with Federal AM that measured .35 -.40 @ 50 yards and can do it pretty much on demand or at least I could. To be fair I have a 32 power scope.
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I have some Eley contact on the way and I still need to shoot the Tenex.
I think I’ll be hard pressed to outshoot the Eley Club Lot that I am almost out of.
I have probally two dozen gun stores in my area and none carry and premium ammo.
PSA had some Eley Rec packs but that is it.
CZ 455 Varmint

Knowing that every 22 is different ... with my CZ 455 ...

- Eley Match (black box) has been my best / goto when I care and never disappoints
- Recently shot some Lapua Center X and it was as good as the Eley. Only shot one box but was good enough that I've got some more to try again.
- Eley Tennex (red box) out of my CZ is no better than the Eley Match so given the additional cost - no thanks.
- Someone else mentioned Eley Club - ran some of that and got some very nice groups but had 1-2 flyers out of every 10 or so I wouldn't get any more of that.
- I know several folks who get good results with CCI Std Velocity but my rilfe is only so-so with it. Consistent ... but consistenly bigger groups. A good cheaper alternative to Eley price wise but when playing for points the Eley is better. 1 guy I know is exactly the opposite - Eley Match is good for him but CCI Std Vel is just as good.
- I've never run Wolf Match but have always heard good about it and plan to give some a try someday soon.
Doesn't matter which rifle I use, best results come from the ammo with the fewest defects.
So many things go wrong on the assembly line it's a surprise when I obtain a box of rimfire with minimal defects.
Either the bullets look like they were dropped on the floor and kicked around, or the seating is less than nominal,
or the brass is out of spec or the mv spread won't allow repeatable trajectories.
Brand means nothing. Ammo quality/consistency is everything.
My rifles don't like poorly made ammunition.
No rifle can make crap ammo shoot accurately,
unless the muzzle is so close to the target it doesn't matter.

Any rifle can hit a dime every time, if'n ya' get close enough. ;)
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