
Full Member
Aug 11, 2010
florida 32621
have been looking for a cz457 at one 24". the above site shows "blems" at a rather low price. don't know what "blem" is on there. my scam research kung fu is weak but some red flags show up. there are more than 1 "cz" labeled sites that do pop security warnings by my malware bytes protection. anybody have any direct experience with them,good or bad? there is no contact info on there that i can find,so likely not using them. also,any 457 at ones in stock anyplace? looked all over on line-nada.
My understanding is CZ only sells through dealers. Not direct. I am looking for that verbage on their website.

Factory-trained sales staff and technical support gunsmiths are available to assist customers from 9am-4pm, Monday-Friday CST. Feel free to contact us at [email protected] or call us at 1-800-955-4486.
A simple search would have provided your answer. I didn’t even finish typing the first part before this popped up:

Here’s one: