Cant trust either one of them. I do like Tucker's Alp pouches and often agree with him. That said he seems slimy af and i dont trust his sanctimonious rheortic. I dont think hes as honest as he proclaims himself to be. #nukeboth
Cant trust either one of them. I do like Tucker's Alp pouches and often agree with him. That said he seems slimy af and i dont trust his sanctimonious rheortic. I dont think hes as honest as he proclaims himself to be. #nukeboth
Of course neither is honest. One is a corrupt politician the other a journalist. Both professions require applicants to be skilled liars. I favor Tucker because he's consistently on our side. I disfavor Crenshaw because he's not on our side and because of how he tried to fuck over Eddie Galiger.