Dangerous side effects of sore pussy syndrome

So did anything actually happen to those evil officers or did they just like always get to just skate on it and get away with being vile thugs?
The police chief needs to be fired.

This is also why the founding fathers understood there was no free speech unless their is anonymous free speech because of government thugs.

I'd like to know if he tried to sue and some vile judge blathered on about "qualified immunity"
So did anything actually happen to those evil officers or did they just like always get to just skate on it and get away with being vile thugs?
The police chief needs to be fired.

This is also why the founding fathers understood there was no free speech unless their is anonymous free speech because of government thugs.

I'd like to know if he tried to sue and some vile judge blathered on about "qualified immunity"
Last I heard, QI didn't apply to civil rights violations.
So, are full sleeve tats now required to be a cop?

Are they trying to out-thug the NFL?

Even the lesbian cops are rocking them.

You can be sure those losers in blue all clustered around the Facebook page plotting their retaliation against the guy. The smug, dicksucking smirk the arresting cop displayed when the jail door slammed pretty much proved that.
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I was going to start donating to tunnel to towers. And right here is an example why I won't. I want nothing to do with an organization that will help POS like this or their families. They can fuck off
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The cop should be charged with assault with a deadly weapon and kidnapping at the very least and when committed by a gov’t agent, the punishment for these charges should be death. Of course gov’t protects gov’t so this will never be a thing. How else would the atrocities committed on behalf of politicans be carried out without their badged statists doing this pathetic job for a pathetic little paycheck. Back the blue as they keep evil politicians safe and sound while forcing their will onto the tax slave.
It ain't right that you can't protect yourself from this type of tyranny and would go to jail forever and they get off consequence free just because they they got held back a couple grades in elementary school