Dasher and 108 ELDM’s


Dec 10, 2023
New York State
I’ve recently come into several hundred Hornady 108 ELDM’s for my Dasher. I ran a few preliminary load tests with my Berger 108 load data and they shot fairly well. At 15 shots at a 600 yd F Class target, I cleaned it with only 4x’s in fairly good conditions. I returned to 100 yds and in Peterson brass I’m getting slight pressure signs. (Berger 108’s in Lapua show none) So, I started lowering the charge weight and am now in the .3’s looking at a lower accuracy mode. The ELDM’s with a significantly larger bearing surface, may be a contributing factor in the pressure signs, but I’m wondering what kind of jump these ELDM’s like? Any insight into these bullets is appreciated.
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