David Tubb Interview at Ko2M

i love it every time I can get to see and hear David doing his outstanding thing. Thank immensely for making this Elder Fart smile.

This stuff is obviously outside my skill set, but a little dream now and then...

Very interesting stuff throughout the vid. To pick just one thing: At 2:25 notice David's ingenious Magnetospeed mount that allows the bayonet to float free of the barrel. My MS rarely gets used anymore because of the POI shift associated with hanging it on the barrel. Some guys over at the Accurate Shooter forum were attaching the MS bayonets to their bipods a few years ago, but David's setup looks different.

I would be in for one of these if he could bring them to market for say <$100....
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David is a smart guy, but he is always all over the place.

As in made an extra 20 moa prism to give more elevation? Hooked up the MS so it won't affect barrel harmonics? Shooting advanced bullets for people to test/demonstrate their effectiveness?

He may be all over the place, but he seems to be putting out a lot of fires, before they happen. He is where he is needed.
As in made an extra 20 moa prism to give more elevation? Hooked up the MS so it won't affect barrel harmonics? Shooting advanced bullets for people to test/demonstrate their effectiveness?

He may be all over the place, but he seems to be putting out a lot of fires, before they happen. He is where he is needed.

No I mean when he talks. He never completely explains or finishes a thought.
I met Dave at camp Perry a few years ago at the Palma world championships. He is a class act, he showed me this rifle or earlier prototype there. He converted it from 6xc to 308 for the Palma match. I like how he is always thinking out of the box, and willing to share information. Thanks for doing the video.