Hunting & Fishing DBM on a hunting rifle?


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Full Member
Nov 12, 2010
Is there a reasonably priced detachable magazine assembly for a Rem 700 hunting rifle that doesn't add a lot of weight?
I've got a new Manners ordered in an ADL version, and I'm rethinking the idea after loading my rifle today with cold fingers. It didn't used to be a problem. Maybe a little arthritis is a factor too.
I've probably got time to change the specs.

Re: DBM on a hunting rifle?

I think all the bdm are going to add weight.....

but, I have one on one of my hunting rigs for the convience. I don't like walking/traveling in and around with a round in the me a wimp but I don't trust ANY safety and if I get surprised by game, I haven't done very good hunting. At the very least, a good bdl allows you to put three rounds in and close the bolt OVER a round. A mag allows me to do this as well with the added benefit of much easier unloading
Re: DBM on a hunting rifle?

I hope those fingers anit wore out. Might need a few lanyards yet !

I'd look into H/S.
Re: DBM on a hunting rifle?

Thanks for the replies.
I missed a nice HS a few days ago on another site.

s4f, just let me know if you need another lanyard. I'll take some pills and tie you one up.
Re: DBM on a hunting rifle?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shotgun4fur</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sound good.
So are you changeing your order ? </div></div>

Not yet.
I'm still pondering.

It's going on the 26" Varmint with 3.5-15 NF, and I don't know if I want to add any weight.
I carried it a couple of miles yesterday and it didn't bother me.
Re: DBM on a hunting rifle?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: fw707</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shotgun4fur</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Sound good.
So are you changeing your order ? </div></div>

Not yet.
I'm still pondering.

It's going on the 26" Varmint with 3.5-15 NF, and I don't know if I want to add any weight.
I carried it a couple of miles yesterday and it didn't bother me. </div></div>

If your stock is BDL now,the DM shouldn't add much at all.
Re: DBM on a hunting rifle?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: shotgun4fur</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
If your stock is BDL now,the DM shouldn't add much at all. </div></div>

I guess that's right. I'm replacing my HS BDL Varmint stock with the Manners MCS-T, so the lighter weight Manners should more than make up the difference of the DBM's added weight.

I guess I'll start watching the classifieds.

Does the HS DBM fit the standard 700 BDL inlet?

And how about the maximum OAL of the rounds in the magazine?
Re: DBM on a hunting rifle?

Should be very close. I don't know about the MCS-T but the HS Precision VS and LTR stocks needed a tiny bit of work with the dremel internally to let the bottom metal set flat to the bottom.
Re: DBM on a hunting rifle?

I bought a set of HS DBM from Brownells came with a 5 round and bought a ten round mag.

I like the stuff, it is not as nice as the CDI DBM parts I have bought but it is functional, and little lighter. Not by enough to really make a difference though. It is a good solution for a hunting rifle see pic below with 5 rounder in it:

Re: DBM on a hunting rifle?

Thanks for the picture!
The HS seems to be what I'm looking for. I've been looking around at what's available, and some of the really nice ones have a mag release lever that sticks down too far for my use.
Re: DBM on a hunting rifle?

Yeah funny you mention the mag release - it is on the list of "stuff to build". I'd like it a little longer or more accessible.

Expect to perform some fitting with the mags to perfect the feeding process. Then realize that the mags are only for this rifle after that.

Built this one from an old 243 into a 308 to hunt 'roos with. Still haven't taken the trip and have built a couple 243's to replace it. Need to get a lighter smaller scope for it too, like a USO ST10 maybe?