$4300 shipped to your FFL. I will be calling and speaking directly with whoever this is to ensure a safe reception for the rifle. Or meetup anywhere in Oregon. More detailed pictures available.
DD5V1: 2500
Nightforce NXS 2.5-10x42 Mil/Mil: 2000
SPUHR 30mm, 20MOA, 1.5”: 410
Surefire/mount/wire: 379
Magpul Offsets: 170
AAD Scope Covers: 200
Mad Scientist Break: 80
Magpul CTR: 60
Magpul Grip: 20
Larue Risr: 20
$5839 Total, current retail prices
DD5V1: 2500
Nightforce NXS 2.5-10x42 Mil/Mil: 2000
SPUHR 30mm, 20MOA, 1.5”: 410
Surefire/mount/wire: 379
Magpul Offsets: 170
AAD Scope Covers: 200
Mad Scientist Break: 80
Magpul CTR: 60
Magpul Grip: 20
Larue Risr: 20
$5839 Total, current retail prices
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