Re: decent little outdoor gear site
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mcmillanman5</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: 45.308</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: deadly0311</div><div class="ubbcode-body">there is a site i was told about and sorry if it got posted before. Buts its
they have deals on 1 item every 20-30 minutes and by deal i mean shit is regularly 50-99 percent off. I ordered a 600 dollar jacket this morning for 1.00 no bullshit. Did it only because it was 1.00, the jacket looks like shit and im not sure why its 600 bucks. But i though i would pass it along </div></div>
There are a couple of these site around. Basically, if a manufacture has blems, seconds, returns, these guys buy it all for pennies on the retail dollar. They must turn the product quickly as the terms are usually cash up front or 30 days max. Once they sell enough to make coin or pay the account, they then drop the price to nothing to get rid of it.
You will find odd stitching, misses stitching, snaps, buttons, off color, holes, scratches, stuff like that and some of it looks like off the shelf new to the consumer but it is not.
We did this with Scarpa boots years ago. They were a $400 boot but if we bought them all, a couple hundred pair, we got them for $50, sold for $100 good sizes, paid off the account in a couple days, then down to $75, $50 to $25 to get the odd sizes out the door and make pure profit. </div></div>
I have literally purchased thousands and thousands of dollars worth of merchandise from steep and cheep over the years. Steep and cheap is the closeout site for has several other closeout sites such as,, etc. Everything I have gotten has been first quality stuff, it is however generally closeout gear (limited sizes, colors, last years models). Not trying to start a pissing match or anything but I have been to the warehouse and BackCountry is a major online retailer that sells a ridiculous ammount of stuff, these other sites are just a way to get rid of excess gear that has not sold on their retail site.
Deadly, congrats on getting a $1.00 deal. I have been trying to get one with no luck. What kind of jacket did you get?
what are all their close out links? i cant seem to find them