Deep Throat


It Sounded Like a Good Idea at the Time
Full Member
  • Mar 15, 2018
    Posting in the stupid questions section;

    Aside for a minute caliber, rifle, etc. because I believe this question to be truly generic.

    You’re using a magazine fed, bolt action rifle. This rifle likes your ELD bullet .002 off the lands and shoots great, however, that makes the C.O.L. too long to fit in your CIP magazine requiring you to hand feed. So you seat the bullet just deep enough to clear the mag (.026 off the lands) and now the rifle shoots like garbage.

    What is your next first option?

    Change bullet? Resign yourself to hand feeding? Try seating further off the lands? Or...?
    In my case, hand feeding. Up until recently, I shot F Class competitively and chose to hand feed anyway. These days, post-competition, I continue employing the technique out of habit.

    Another approach might be to find a bullet with an ogive that has a shorter radius. For example, I started shooting the 260 in 2001, and back then, the reigning bullet was the 140SMK, which is shorter than the newer A-Max/ELD bullets, and has a fuller ogive curve. I found that it is more magazine friendly, and delivers a (somewhat) shorter jump. It would be my choice for a 260 AR because of magazine length constriction.

    Seating deeper still allows the option to redevelop the load to do its best at the shorter OAL.

    Seriously, I found that my weaknesses in competitive shooting seldom had to do with OAL.

    Change bullet? Resign yourself to hand feeding? Try seating further off the lands? Or...?

    Agree with the advice to try other seating depths in the mag length range. I had a rifle with a super long throat where I was jumping the bullets a ton. I started at max mag length which shot pretty poorly, but working backwards with even more jump found a node which shot great.
    First apologies for the title (not really, I wanted as many looks/opinions as possible?). Second, thanks for the replies; seating deeper seems to be the best next step and gives me something to at least experiment with and hopefully learn something from!
    Again, sorry :D But Jesus I hope we're not dating ourselves as well; do you realize that film came out 46 years ago!!!
    If I had a bullet that needed to be .002 off the lands, I’d consider that the problem. Screw that!

    If you’re comfy with your measurements(and .002 is correct), you may have concentricity issues with the ammo. When you’re working that close to the lands, you’re essentially in a jammed situation if the ammo isnt straight.

    I’ve never met an ELD, in any diameter/weight, that needed to be close to the lands. Keep adjusting the jump till you find what it likes. You can do generous increments as well, say .010. You’ll zero in to a range it likes in fewer rounds, and less time.
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    I moved out in .020 increments and seem to be getting decent results at .060 off the lands. ES:19 / SD:10.38 / .5 MOA groups / 2757 fps. 91.0 gr Retumbo, Fed215, 27" Bartlein Barrel. I'm thinking good enough...
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    Have no idea if he even owns a gun....