Re: Deer Meat In California ? anyone ?
If she is just wanting some venison to eat she can buy farm raised venison at some specialy meat markets.
Siesel's Old Fashioned Meats and Prime Selections, Inc. are just a couple places that came up in a google search.
If she is looking at hunting around SD the Cleveland National Forest is the first place to start, plus they are starting to get wild pigs up there too. If she has family in the marines stationed at Camp Pendleton she can hunt on the base.
This guide is pretty good to get her educated about deer hutning in CA.
One more note about California deer, we do not have any whitetails here. We have blacktails and several species of mule deer. The deer in Southern CA are a type of mule deer and tend to be a smaller species and it is very rare that you see a buck with anything more than a set of forks. Also, there is almost no doe harvest. Only a select few counties allow doe hunting and those hunts are by special draw only. She will need to put in for tags early depending on what zone she wants to hunt. Many zones don't sell out and you can by tags over the counter on June 1st (I think that's date) after the general draw is over.
There are a lot of good places to hunt (if one is willing to pay) and shoot around here. PM me if you want my personal contact info. I don't hunt in San Diego just because I have access to land in the moutnains near Yosemite (central CA) and I find the pig hunting along the central CA coast (Monterey county and San Luis Obispo county area) have wild pig hunting second to none. They also have good deer hunting too.
The biggest prblem in CA is trying to find good land to hunt. Most of the land is private and is leased up or you cannot gain permission to hunt on it.