Delta Defense Delta 5 (Non Pro)


May 7, 2006
So I got a Daniel Defense Delta 5 (Non Pro). Shoots well for me. (Sub .6 MOA) Unlike some, it has zero bolt fitment issues.
My problem is the stock. I find it uncomfortable and difficult to achieve a consistent mount. Particularly at the thumb interface.
Has anyone heard of ANYBODY that makes a Match stock for it other then Daniel Defenses own Pro chassis? (DD is proud of their Pro chassis and sells it for $1230)


Does anyone have, or know anybody that has, a “Pro Chassis” that they would sell or trade for a Delta 5 composite stock and cash? I’m looking to get into a stock with the thumb purchase of a Chassis.
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Would it be a big job a gunsmith ho has skills to make that sit in to a Rem SA action?
Looks pritty similar, not much difference on pictures, but it just a pictures, what is it real.

30 years ago you could find a gunsmith that would make or modify stocks very economically. Now days, I don’t even know any local gunsmith that would consider that type of work. I know that there are a few custom rifle makers that would make you a stock from a wood or laminate blank. That type of stock is generally over $1500 and that’s well more then the DD Pro Chassis for a grand.
Listen if I can find someone who can modify an existing stock. I’d definitely consider that route.