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Rifle Scopes Delta Stryker 1-6x24 LPVO Durability?


Aug 3, 2021
Hi all, this is my first post here! I'm looking for an LPVO to put on a 16" .223 Wylde AR, and from everything I've seen and read, the Delta Stryker LPVO seems fantastic. Clear glass, true 1x, easy to get behind, repeatable turrets, etc. Koshkin's and C_Does' videos really impressed me and have mostly sold me on this optic.

My concern is that to get all that great stuff at a low price, they may have sacrificed durability. Anyone here had experience with beating one up (either purposefully or accidentally)? Sage Dynamics' video on the SIG 1-6x showed some really impressive durability, but the Delta is cheaper and seems to be more of a red-dot replacement than the SIG (easier to get behind).

Anyway, thanks for any help you can offer!
I haven't thrown mine out of a helicopter or shot it with bird shot, but it's held up pretty well for me.

I dropped it from about four or five feet onto a slab of granite without issues. It was mounted on an AR10 upper and fell from the fireplace mantle onto the slab below, so maybe four or five feet?

I don't know if it hit the elevation turret cap first, but it did leave a nice scuff and a little bit of a dent. I'm ashamed to admit it as it was stupid to leave up there in the first place, but no harm done.

It's also held up quite well to regular range abuse.
I haven't thrown mine out of a helicopter or shot it with bird shot, but it's held up pretty well for me.

I dropped it from about four or five feet onto a slab of granite without issues. It was mounted on an AR10 upper and fell from the fireplace mantle onto the slab below, so maybe four or five feet?

I don't know if it hit the elevation turret cap first, but it did leave a nice scuff and a little bit of a dent. I'm ashamed to admit it as it was stupid to leave up there in the first place, but no harm done.

It's also held up quite well to regular range abuse.

That's good to hear! By "no issues", do you mean you haven't noticed lasting damage, or did it maintain zero, too?
That's good to hear! By "no issues", do you mean you haven't noticed lasting damage, or did it maintain zero, too?
Zero was good and no damage other than the scuff and dent on the turret cap. 100% functional without adjustment.

I'd buy another if I needed another LPVO. The red dot is extremely bright, the glass is clear and it even tracks dead nuts, which is useless to me but nice nonetheless. It doesn't have the tunnel effect of other LPVOs like the viper, which is awesome. It's *almost* like a razor in that regard.

The only complaint I have is that there's a little bit of edge distortion. You can notice it when there's a straight line like a light pole or building at the edge of the FOV when looking through the scope. It's not a big deal to me, but it is worth noting.
We've been running them pretty hard on some guns that get shot A LOT and haven't had any issues.

We wanted to be able to stand behind them when we started carrying them and so far they've delivered.
Haha, I actually almost called you guys about this earlier, but I only called the other two stores cuz you guys just got them so I figured you wouldn't have much experience with em yet.

Guess I was wrong! I'll give ya a call tomorrow.

Thank you!
I haven't beaten mine up but I should mention I bought one and was super confused because it definitely was not "Aimpoint bright". I assumed everyone who had bought one and gave a review was just hyping it up as standard (people get emotionally attached to what they buy and feel the need to defend it). I still thought it was a great scope and ended up buying another to put on a Geissele rifle and the second one actually was super bright (think Razor/Aimpoint bright). Ended up asking to RMA the first one and the one that replaced it still wasn't as nuclear bright and the second one I bought, but was still brighter than the first. Sorry if I explained that poorly. The only commonality was the two "not as bright" scopes had serials of <100.

I still think they are great scopes for the price but it seems their brightness isn't fully standardized but I only have a sample lot of three scopes. I should note I did swap batteries and even put in new ones. These are still far brighter than Athlon Cronus and Bushy SMRS2 though.

The last two pictures are two different scopes showing the difference in intensity. The picture taken outside shows how bright the two "not as bright" ones looked.
I haven't beaten mine up but I should mention I bought one and was super confused because it definitely was not "Aimpoint bright". I assumed everyone who had bought one and gave a review was just hyping it up as standard (people get emotionally attached to what they buy and feel the need to defend it). I still thought it was a great scope and ended up buying another to put on a Geissele rifle and the second one actually was super bright (think Razor/Aimpoint bright). Ended up asking to RMA the first one and the one that replaced it still wasn't as nuclear bright and the second one I bought, but was still brighter than the first. Sorry if I explained that poorly. The only commonality was the two "not as bright" scopes had serials of <100.

I still think they are great scopes for the price but it seems their brightness isn't fully standardized but I only have a sample lot of three scopes. I should note I did swap batteries and even put in new ones. These are still far brighter than Athlon Cronus and Bushy SMRS2 though.

The last two pictures are two different scopes showing the difference in intensity. The picture taken outside shows how bright the two "not as bright" ones looked.

(pics snipped)

That's disappointing Twistid. Just for a couple more data points I have serial H 37 (MOA/Mil) and F 331 (Mil/Mil) and they are both equally bright (like your "brightest" reticle photo).

You might want to consider talking with Delta about the 2 less bright ones. These aren't inexpensive scopes, they should be "right".
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