Delta Stryker 3.5-21x44 review in the making.


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Sep 16, 2020
Southern Sweden
I took delivery of said scope about a week ago. I will run it through its paces the following two months.
It has been sighted in at 100 meters and ive shot 150 rounds from 15-300 meters at my local range. Plan to shoot a lot more with it.

What are key points that you would like to read about or is curious about?
I am interested in any pointers or suggestions.

Thanks for helping out.
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I took delivery of said scope about a week ago. I will run it through its paces the following two months.
It has been sighted in at 100 meters and ive shot 150 rounds from 15-300 meters at my local range. Plan to shoot a lot more with it.

What are key points that you would like to read about or is curious about?
I am interested in any pointers or suggestions.

Thanks for helping out.
Congrats varg, it is a nice scope. Here are some quick thoughts
  • Eyebox forgiving? Easy to get behind at all magnifications.
  • Depth of field forgiving? (When parallax set to middle/500ish are objects both near and far in focus)
  • IQ (image quality) overall impressions
  • CA (chromatic aberration) is there purple or yellow fringing between high contrast transitions (dark tree bark next to white snow, etc)
  • Low light performance, after the sun goes down does IQ degrade in any way?
  • Do you have another scope to compare it to that is of known quality? This helps serve as a baseline.
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Is the reticle usable at low magnification?
Looking forward to your review! (y)
For my eyes, the ballistic tree part of the reticle is practically invisible below 6x.
The eyebox feels very roomy up to about 18x.

But I have more rangetime to get through before I can put it all down in writing. The main other scope I have in hand is my Vortex Razor G3 1-10x, I also have a Delta Hornet 1-6x.
The list of scopes that I have had before is long, including S&B PM2, Kahles K624i, Hensoldt and more, and I have looked through several others.

Thanks for the replies everyone.
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Well yes, it is close to finished.
Will post a link soon, and you guys will have to use google translate (unless you intend to practise your Swedish).
My only hope is that it does not mess up the language too much.
Here is a link to the review:

use google translate and it should be fine?

Please let me know if you have any feedback of any kind.
Appreciate that Varg. Took me a minute to figure out you weren't actually mounting binoculars on your rifle as the translation appears to translate scope into binocular. :LOL: You compared too very different scopes which was interesting and I appreciated the information provided for your experience behind the scopes.