Desert Tech SRS-A1 .260 REM @1,000 Yards

Great video and shooting. For that distance, I use Berger VLD 140 gr. with Lapua brass and CCI BR 2 primer over H4831 43.5 gr. OAL 2.86 from my DTA 26" 260 barrel with TBAC suppressor. Hitting 12" steel at 900 yards 80-90% of the time most days, but contending with less wind than you guys were dealing with! You'll be much more consistent with the 140 gr. offerings! Good luck.
Thanks for all the feedbacks guys!! It also was really hot that day (100ºF+) and it made trying to stay focused even harder but we learned a lot! I planned to have my GoPro stay on the shooter but the battery was dead on arrival as I had left the Wifi on like a dummy... Oh well, another good excuse to go back :p

Alt: 2,860
Pressure: 26.96
Temp: 98º
Humidity: 20%
LOS: -5.0º
MV: 2,950

Dope: 6.3MIL (truing to 6.1)
Wind: 0.8-1.2MIL Left
um... is that a town back there? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because I despise safety nazi's that scream about danger when they weren't there... but it looks bad in the video, with a target near the horizon on top a hill, with a town behind. ... but I'm probably seeing it wrong. :)
um... is that a town back there? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because I despise safety nazi's that scream about danger when they weren't there... but it looks bad in the video, with a target near the horizon on top a hill, with a town behind. ... but I'm probably seeing it wrong. :)
Yeah, it's in the mountains in the middle of nowhere after wheeling for 2h30 and no access road coming from the other end. The town you see in the background is probably 5-6 miles behind the target! The target is on a hill at 2,828ft, we were shooting from 2,860ft and the hill behind the target is 360 yards further at 2,880-ish so I think we were safe :)
Great video and shooting. For that distance, I use Berger VLD 140 gr. with Lapua brass and CCI BR 2 primer over H4831 43.5 gr. OAL 2.86 from my DTA 26" 260 barrel with TBAC suppressor. Hitting 12" steel at 900 yards 80-90% of the time most days, but contending with less wind than you guys were dealing with! You'll be much more consistent with the 140 gr. offerings! Good luck.

I just ordered some Berger VLD 140 & 130 gr and some Hornady A-Max 140 gr... Now to loads development!!
Yeah, it's in the mountains in the middle of nowhere after wheeling for 2h30 and no access road coming from the other end. The town you see in the background is probably 5-6 miles behind the target! The target is on a hill at 2,828ft, we were shooting from 2,860ft and the hill behind the target is 360 yards further at 2,880-ish so I think we were safe :)
I figured that was the case. Thanks for the clarification. It's amazing how deceptive that stuff can be in video.
I figured that was the case. Thanks for the clarification. It's amazing how deceptive that stuff can be in video.

After reading your comment I watched the video again and could totally see what you meant!! Perspective is indeed deceptive ah! We spotted a place further left into the canyon that would be even better and close to 1,375 yards if my Elite 1 Mile ARC rangefinder is correct! Can't wait to go back and try out...
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Kick ass rifle system. Great shooting. Watching the cars driving in the background made me cringe. Thanks for the clarification on the distance. Keep shooting.
Yup, keep at it! I have taken tons of shit for a few videos in our youtube channel as well, with cars or cows in the background. If you aren't there, then it's VERY difficult to tell, because cameras seem to make it look like things are right behind the target, when in fact they are miles off!

What do you think of that bushnell range finder? Thus far, I've not found anything that will compare to my Vectronix, but now that the terrapin is harder to find, customers are constantly asking me for the "next best." I haven't had much luck with the busnhell units, but I don't think I've tried that one. Be sure to report how it does.
Yup, keep at it! I have taken tons of shit for a few videos in our youtube channel as well, with cars or cows in the background. If you aren't there, then it's VERY difficult to tell, because cameras seem to make it look like things are right behind the target, when in fact they are miles off!

What do you think of that bushnell range finder? Thus far, I've not found anything that will compare to my Vectronix, but now that the terrapin is harder to find, customers are constantly asking me for the "next best." I haven't had much luck with the busnhell units, but I don't think I've tried that one. Be sure to report how it does.

Well, I have to say so far so good!! I couldn't afford a Terrapin (would love to own one for sure) so when this little guy came up I decided to give it a try and at $500 it's well priced & well built. Option two would have been a Gunwerks G7 BR2 Rangefinder but that's still $1,600.

I had no problem picking up the steel target at 1,000 yds (gave me a reading of 1,006 and Google Maps gave me 996 so it's def. in the accuracy range I'd expect). I was able to range trees up to 1,642 yards that day. I'll try to shoot a video when we go back. I really like the ARC feature!! I haven't checked if the angle measured by the rangefinder matches the LOS angle but I'll try to remember to check on that too next time!!