Did You Hit What You Aimed at Part Two.


Full Member
  • Sep 16, 2009
    This recurring question "Did You Hit What You Aimed At?" keeps me thinking.

    What I am going to propose is that anyone who has interest consider participating.

    I will be taking a target with 12 1/4" dots on it. I will shoot one group on it for the next 6 weeks as time permits. One dot for CBS and one for a 3 shot group each trip.

    This should put to rest (or not) all the "wallet group" statements that seem to flourish on the site. I will record conditions, time, date etc. I will give my barrel a LONG overdue cleaning and shoot a box of ammo through it to re condition the bore, check all screws for torque etc. I will freely admit that I will shoot under as near ideal conditions as possible. I am not in doubt what extreme cold or any wind will do to move a 22 bullet at 50 yards.

    I would be very interested to see how others do with a similar test. I am simply not as pessimistic regarding 22 RF accuracy as some here are.

    Any away of showing the maintenance of accuracy and POI over a few separate range trips is acceptable. Nothing about this is standardized or to be considered challenge. I am just interested in what others get for results. I may well embarrass myself. My opinion is that my rifle is consistent in both accuracy and POI.

    The results will tell.
    This recurring question "Did You Hit What You Aimed At?" keeps me thinking.

    What I am going to propose is that anyone who has interest consider participating.

    I will be taking a target with 12 1/4" dots on it. I will shoot one group on it for the next 6 weeks as time permits. One dot for CBS and one for a 3 shot group each trip.

    This should put to rest (or not) all the "wallet group" statements that seem to flourish on the site. I will record conditions, time, date etc. I will give my barrel a LONG overdue cleaning and shoot a box of ammo through it to re condition the bore, check all screws for torque etc. I will freely admit that I will shoot under as near ideal conditions as possible. I am not in doubt what extreme cold or any wind will do to move a 22 bullet at 50 yards.

    I would be very interested to see how others do with a similar test. I am simply not as pessimistic regarding 22 RF accuracy as some here are.

    Any away of showing the maintenance of accuracy and POI over a few separate range trips is acceptable. Nothing about this is standardized or to be considered challenge. I am just interested in what others get for results. I may well embarrass myself. My opinion is that my rifle is consistent in both accuracy and POI.

    The results will tell.
    Without Warning already has a few good targets to start with for something like this.


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    Reactions: jbell
    I'm down with giving it a go. Assuming 50 yards? SO shoot 3 groups each trip, one being the cold bore and the other two being the follow up groups? Now for the big question how many rounds per group?
    I'm down with giving it a go. Assuming 50 yards? SO shoot 3 groups each trip, one being the cold bore and the other two being the follow up groups? Now for the big question how many rounds per group?
    I think he means 1 cold bore shot on a dot, and then one 3 shot group on another dot. Two dots per session, 12 dots over 6 weeks
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    Reactions: lash and RTH1800
    I will just use my same target stamp but yours look great.
    Anything that works to show POI and group size is fine.
    Again, this is not a contest on my part. It is a learning experience.
    Rooster is exactly correct. But anyone can post up anything they like. It is just a way of evaluating rifles CARRIED FOR LONG HIKES AND USED FOR ACTUAL HUNTING.

    You can post up your BR and comp rigs but that is not the point. I am a simple squirrel and varmint hunter. My rifle is carried for miles. This is my area of interest.

    Basically, show us how your hunting rifle shoots.
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    Reactions: roostercogburn98
    I am simply not as pessimistic regarding 22 RF accuracy as some here are.

    Pessimistic? No RT, realistic. ;)

    In order to punch a 1/4 inch dot, standing, offhand, braced on a fence post, tree trunk, or shooting stick,
    my Marlin 60 with a red dot on it would need to be no more than 15 yards from that target.
    At 20 yards it's already showing 1/2 inch spread (or more) offhand. :(
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    Reactions: RTH1800
    Understory of the pinelands is heavily shaded, dark in the mornings.
    Crosshairs would be invisible against the dark background.
    Red dot needs no focus, point and shoot. Fast acquisition and squeeze.
    Have to be quick with the local branch managers as they get hunted regularly.
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    Your conditions may warrant your set up but as described, it has nothing to with precision.

    Break out one of your precision rifles used for hunting and see what it does!
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    This is my target, my ammo and my rifle as I will be testing it.
    Rooster is exactly correct. But anyone can post up anything they like. It is just a way of evaluating rifles CARRIED FOR LONG HIKES AND USED FOR ACTUAL HUNTING.

    You can post up your BR and comp rigs but that is not the point. I am a simple squirrel and varmint hunter. My rifle is carried for miles. This is my area of interest.

    Basically, show us how your hunting rifle shoots.

    Or just get into Olympic biathlon rifles.
    Same idea, ski with them for miles then take a quick stop and start shooting then continue on.
    If that is what you would enjoy carrying and hunting with, by all means post it up. If it’s a safe Queen or range rifle ok to post but not at all the intent of my post.
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    I am looking forward to the results of your testing. I would be interesting in conducting my own series for my own education and perhaps improvement. I shall have to wait for some better weather as the only available range this time of year is 100 Km trip so cannot make it frequently enough to conduct a test that didn't last months. Good luck. I'll be watching.
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    Reactions: RTH1800
    I finally got around to doing this test. Weather, time ADHD and life slowed me down.
    I shot 9 3 shot groups in month of May. Sitting, 50 yards. Back against tree. Just like squirrel shooting. All groups fired cold bore. No sight adjustment the entire time. No holding off. Just sat down and shot. Results are in picture.

    Groups ranged from .637 to .104 by my low tech caliper method. Average was .334.

    Wind speed measured with Kestral over 2 min interval just prior to firing. I did not select days by conditions. Mostly just evenings as time permitted.

    Did I hit what I aimed at? I am not sure what you all think. I know I did not miss any squirrels heads if inside 80 yards which is about what I see in the woods. I certainly missed the .25” dot and might need 1/4 min R windage. Once I started I did not want to change anything and I normally had some R-L wind as marked on target.
    Provided close up of best and worst group. No excuses for any of the groups. I just shot and that is all. Oddly, the first group was about the average. With the 6x scope I could not see the bullets in the black at times. I really ignored the shots until done so not to influence holds etc.

    @justin amateur, did I hit what I aimed at? Seriously, not being sarcastic. I would like your opinion.

    Comments welcome.


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    RT, y'er doing better than I am.

    My last 3 trips I've been misjudging wind and ended up doubling the spread.
    Not the rifle or ammunition, simply too much correction applied.

    See what happens when you shoot for score.
    That's also suffering from the same problem in my case. :(
    I realized I was a bit left but wanted to complete the target without any adjustments at all. Just as I seldom adjust windage while hunting. What wind I have in the woods I just hold for.
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    Reactions: ma smith
    Nice. A fun thing to do with targets like this (dot drills) is get a small compass and draw circles...from your inteneded point of impact. Just set the size to whatever your accuract standard is (ie minute of squirrel). really clears up what shots are being pushed around by wind at/over the limit,

    alot of shots will be good, and the occasional pattern will be disrupted more than it looks. yeah, we could do it on the computer, but its more fun with a lead/pencil :LOL:
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    Reactions: Pipefitter I’m
    I've been wanting to take part of this since the thread began but was waiting for my TBAC Takedown to clear. Finally got it last week and zeroed. Removed the suppressor, took suppressor apart for inspection, rebuilt and put it back in the safe. I was able to shoot some groups last night and I really wanted to test return-to-zero because I plan on removing the suppressor between sessions. Happy with results.

    Targets: shot at 50 yards between prone with a rear bag and kneeling with a bag on a barricade.
    Ammo: SK Magazine (500 bulk packs)
    Rifle: Vudoo 20" Kukri/AT Chassis.
    Scope: Vortex PST GEN1

    Groups are average for the ammo rifle combo (except for that kneeling barricade target in the .4s - attributed to luck)

    Next test is gather velocity and find some more match ammo in the same range. The SK Magazine stuff is extremely quiet while other Eley and SK match ammo I tested is louder - I'm guessing it has something to do with velocity. Next I want to clean barrel and suppressor and reshoot the test.



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    Reactions: RTH1800
    I was finalizing the zero on my squirrel rifle. Near zero wind conditions.
    I use an old Unertl scope 6x with a medium CH. in order to hit the dot I must cover it. This at 50 yards. I normally sight 1/3-1/2 bullet width to left for centering at 100 yards. What happens is what you see here. Note how center of group is at 10:30 .2” out and last shot is at .2” at same point out of group. The bullets obliterate the aiming point ant the group becomes the aiming point and the final shot shifts out of group. My eyes and the old scope simply do not see well enough to make out the change perfectly. It’s become more of a problem in recent years and in low light when wind stops it’s worse.
    This is why I normally sight to center above the 1/4” dot.
    This time I did not do so because I want to get my long range data from center at 50 yards.

    Win 52 C Eley Tenex EPS.