Dies and stuff


Full Member
Jun 14, 2007
North West WY
ALL prices are SHIPPED!

RCBS Uniflow Powder Measure ($60) and 505 scale ($45). $90 package

Lyman/Ideal 358315 dual cavity mold. 358/200gr GC. Lightly used. No handles. $55

RCBS 3 pc form die set 257 Wby Forms from H&H/STW + 300 WM… to 257 Wby. $100 ($259 msrp)

Redding 7 RUM deluxe 3 die set. Full length, neck, seater. $65

RCBS 300 H&H Improved dies. $65

RCBS 358 Norma Mag dies. $45

Lyman/RCBS 41 mag carbide dies and shellholder. $40
Will trade for these items too:

284 Win brass

243 brass

8x57 brass

50 Beowulf brass

Bold, Dayton or Timney triggers for SR and LR Mauser

Sporting stocks for SR Mausers

40 & 50 cal plated pistol bullets

180 gr 35 cal spitzer bullets

30 cal 147/150 FMJ plinking bullets