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Dilema with shipping a firearm


Full Member
May 3, 2011
I recently put a firearm for sale online; on a local forum, east coast . My first time doing so. To make a long story short, I've exchanged emails and a few phone calls from the respective purchaser, west coast. In good faith I shipped a set of dies and brass to his home address while waiting for the funds to arrive. I let the purchaser know that as soon as I cashed the check, I would immediately ship the rifle to his FFL dealer( I checked on the ATF site and it checked out, I also have a copy of their FFL that they faxed me). I received the check yesterday. The check is a cashiers check and when I took it to my bank this morning, they permitted me to deposit it, but not access the funds. The teller proceeded to inform me about an increase in problems that they have seen with long distance/internet transactions and cautioned me about shipping until it clears, which could take up to 2 weeks. For what its worth the amount is a substantial amount greater than $1000.

I plan on contacting the fellow by phone today to let him know the delay will only be as long as it takes for the check to clear. Does anyone here have any experiences with scenarios like this? I really wanted to ship it today, but not being able to access the funds is making me not want to ship it. Thank you in advance, I appreciate it.
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

I wouldn't ship the rifle and I wouldn't have shipped the dies until you have cash in hand. There are far better ways to xfer money than an often faked cashiers check. Next time get a postal money order.
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

Never...EVER...agree to ship anything purchased by anyone until the funds have CLEARED unless it is someone that you know personally and have the confidence/faith in that they'll do as they have promised and follow through on a deal. (I'm not getting into another debate over "which payment method is better/worse for deal like this"). Dies and brass are one thing, but you are just asking to get burned for considerably more money if you ship a $1k+ rifle/accessories wihout payment clearing first. And the costs associated with having to try to run someone down and recoup your lost item/money/etc. add up FAST if you ever actually get any satisfaction at all.

Yes...waiting a few days to a few weeks is a PITA, but it is well worth the delay to ensure that everything is on the up-and-up with your transaction and that everyone gets what they've bargained for in the end.
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: High Binder</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I wouldn't ship the rifle and I wouldn't have shipped the dies until you have cash in hand. There are far better ways to xfer money than an often faked cashiers check. Next time get a postal money order.</div></div>

Postal money orders can be faked too. Take the postal money order to the post office. If they don't have the funds in the cash drawer then they can at least tell you if it is legit.

I don't ship until my bank releases the hold on checks either.
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

I've always accepted the "It will ship when your funds clear deposit" rule when buying or selling. If your bank told you that it will take more than a couple days to clear, I'd let the buyer know. Never ship before the funds clear.
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

You may have a check, but you DON'T have the money.When a deposited check bounces, the bank takes it out of YOUR account.
Even Postal money orders are being faked.
Shipping after funds clear is the norm, anymore. I never expect anything I buy from a private party to ship until my funds clear. Since it takes about two weeks anyway, I just send a normal check.
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

I'll hit on what everyone else said yet again... big stuff like this, wait until it clears!!!

I've sold a lot of stuff on here, and when it comes to small stuff, I will often ship when I receive the check because I firmly believe all but about 5 members on here are good, honest people (assuming more than a couple hundred posts). And that is a calculated risk I take to try to treat people the absolute best I can when exchanging money for goods. I don't want to throw away $40, but it won't break me. I will not however play that risk game with anything of meaningful value. Just not worth it; if someone is butt-hurt about it, they can look else where for the item they want.
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

Two weeks is bullshit. They can verify the funds and usually the money is yours in a couple of days. +1 on "It will ship when your funds clear deposit"
Just did a $18,000 cashiers check a few weeks ago and also have done several $2,000 plus money orders.
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I let the purchaser know that as soon as I cashed the check, I would immediately ship the rifle to his FFL dealer</div></div>

I can't disagree with the posts above about waiting for it to clear, but you should also consider what the agreement is between you and the purchaser. FWIW, I've shipped several things to people before having check in hand. After all, they're trusting me enough to send payment.

A few weeks ago, I bought a rifle from a gun forum. Our agreement was shipment upon receipt of Postal Money Orders. I couldn't cut loose from work on the day I had agreed to send payment, so I dropped off his info, money and Detailed instructions with a friend to 'take care of it for me'. A couple of days later, the seller sends me a message that he received a cashier’s check. To get to the point, the seller contacted the bank and confirmed the check was good, so I assume there is a way to confirm it.

How ever you go about it, I would communicate with the purchaser. Good luck.
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

When you said you will ship when "you receive the check", I would presume that to mean "when you have a check immediately available to be cashed". I think its fair to inform the buyer exactly date/time/bank cashier's name and reason for the delay in the shipment. I too am a little bit skeptical on the two week part - 3-4 days max. for a cashier's check.

If the buyer is legit, he will understand. If a fuss is made, more likely to questionable transaction. My hunch is everything will be fine.
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

My bank (Citizens) calls on all USPO Mo's and Cashiers checks so I know right then weather they are good or not. I would not ship until funds clear. If the FFL checked out the deal is more than likely good but if I were the buyer I would understand you position.
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

If the buyer sent you a legitimate cashier's check and you tell them your bank says 2 weeks to clear it, they will be most likely upset as it's totally BS unless it's some totally out of the way bank or some foreign bank. If they were going to wait 2 weeks, they could have just written you a personal check.

The bank knows if the check is good in 3 days or less for domestic USA checks and cashier's checks.

Is the cashier's check drawn on a major bank where there is a branch nearby? If so go to the bank it is drawn on and cash it, or have them cash it and write you a new cashier's check to your name.
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

I work paying commissions on transactions, which sometimes are paid for by check. I have seen checks come back over a week after deposit. It is BS in this day and age but it happens.

With a bank check, when you had it in hand, you could have verified the check and funds with the issuing bank.
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

Another reason to hate banks, add this to the list in the other thread about banks in this sub forum.

Everytime I hear a banks say "hold" I think of the JG Wentworth commercial "ITS MY MONEY AND I WANT IT NOW".
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

Just to follow-up; I stopped by the bank yesterday afternoon and they said it was cleared. I shipped the rifle out to the FFL this morning. The banks latest excuse was the check was from a bank that happened to be across the country and one that they were unfamiliar with, hence the delay. I think it was bs. Thank you all for the responses. Lesson learned.
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

On the flip side of this, What if you are the buyer? How do you protect yourself if you do what you are supposed to do (FFL and Postal Money order sent) and the person never sends the firearm?
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

Off the top of my head, before contacting the seller and making arrangements to send payment I'd research the seller (via forum feedback, post history/content). Try to get a read on them see if any red flags pop up. If I sent payment and did not receive the item I would go see the local Postmaster to see what my options are, that is assuming that I sent a postal order.

On a side note, several years ago I sent a barrel to a well known smith/machinist who accepted payment via Paypal. A period of time went by, which was well outside the time-frame we discussed, with no barrel or so much as a returned phone call or email. I initiated a dispute through Paypal, and to make that long story short, it was resolved within 3 days. I got my barrel back which by the way he did an very good job on.
Re: Dilema with shipping a firearm

Your bank NEVER gets a notification from the bank of origin even when the check clears. And with the changes in laws, the bank managers cannot even call each other to verify it over the phone. You can try to get the branch that he/she uses, have them tell the manager at the bank that is ok to verify it over the phone with you. But they dont always even allow this due to the laws. Best way is PayPal (gift). Funds are available instantly. USPS money orders can be verified over the phone too. The USPS website has pointers on how to detect a fraudulant USPS money order too.