DIY fsb pinning


Mar 6, 2023
I have a barrel that i want to pin a FSB to I am a machinist by trade and feel confident with my machining abilities. I machined my own FSB jig and tapped my Fsb to accept setscrews that will screw into the dimple on my barrel when pinning and for extra safety I will be checking the
Gas port alignment with a borescope and gas tube illuminator . I have the proper spot drill, drill size , taper reamer and I will be spot drilling, drilling then I will start reaming with the mill so I know I’m reaming square then 1/3 to half way will stop the machine reaming then use a machined 60 degree precision non cutting center that is able to fit into a 3/8ths collet and the center will fit into the my reamers handle I purchased that will allow me to hand ream the taper reamer the rest of the way , allowing me to take it out and check with pins so I don’t ream too far. I do have a few questions that YouTube and the fourms still haven’t answered (haven’t looked too hard so it’s prob out there somewhere) should I drill in the center of the FSB flats? obviously don’t wanna drill too high that the pins protrude the bore of the barrel or effect accuracy or too low causing poor pinning contact. Also which side is the stardard for pinning ? If your AR is laying on the table with the dust cover facing you is that the way you would drill and ream? Or is the side the bolt catch is on where you would drill and ream? common sense is telling me the side the dust cover and forward assist is on(right side) is where I should drill and ream is on thanks in advance.