Gravity, wind, and air density - overt physical influences on the bullet (or lack thereof) - affect the bullet so exponentially that any normal ambient and any non-deliberate affect man- or animal-made sound wave (or transmission wave) will not have a material impact on the trajectory of a bullet throughout its entire flight from release to 0 FPS. Key words "material impact" which implies perceivable or realistically/practically calculable impact. Sound waves can be used to levitate objects, but those ultrasonic waves are created with "deliberate affect". Some cool dude's big 15" subwoofers blasting Ludacris on a road nearby your range while a grandpa mule deer humps a doe like Ron Jeremy on the other side of your range isn't going to effect the bullet. The sound a nuclear bomb makes... okay, now we're talking. But then again, your bullet would likely melt in mid-flight right before you turn to dust, so... bygones.